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Old 01-05-2009, 04:11 AM
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Default Warranty issues with Ford F350

Does anyone know of any sort of lemon laws or consumer protection for declined warranty work?

We have an '07 F350 that Ford declined the warranty on a head gasket repair due to a dealer installed cold air intake. We had the truck custom built at Advantage Ford and had it built by them to make sure everything was under waranty. We even bought extended warranty for it.

The truck was blowing white smoke and hubby brought it in. They gave him a brand new 2009 F150 to drive for over three weeks until they phoned and said his truck was ready. When he went to pick it up, they said Ford will not honor the warranty due to the cold air intake and they did not fix it...

So they tell hubby they can put him into a 2009 Harley Davidson F350 for more money a month which is not an option. They even gave him one to drive for the week. We hate it and it is awful on fuel.

Now he is in the hole $15000 on his lease for a truck Ford will not fix and we cannot afford to fix. Financing another truck is just not an option right now, so we are in a really bad situation...

Is there anyone that knows what our rights are as a consumer. I find it hard to believe that Ford can tell us forget warranty without giving us the reason and PROVING this is the reason the truck is broken. I cannot see how head gaskets can be caused by an air cleaner. I run a cold air intake on my Toyota and it is just fine...

I have to run around to Advantage and Crowfoor Ford tomorrow and get all the service records, and then have to figure out what to do from there...
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Old 01-05-2009, 04:21 AM
iansfishy iansfishy is offline
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its not the air cleaner so much as "after market mods" that may void your warranty. I dont know about fords, but with my Dodge I have had no problems and i have ALOT of after market stuff. dont be afraid to take it back to the dealer and tell them it was there work and you want to trade straight across for a new truck. Or find somewhere where it states any after market mods void your warrenty and take that to the people who did the mods or the make them prove how a cold air intake can do that dammage.
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Old 01-05-2009, 04:25 AM
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Im not sure how it is here in Canada but in the US they have to prove that the modifications caused/contributed the damage.
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Old 01-05-2009, 04:35 AM
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When we were ordering the truck I made darned sure everything would be covered. Now it has come to my knowledge that Ford redflagged the truck and won't fix anything. However the dealer whom is owned by Woodridge Ford is still building these custom lift trucks. I guess now people must sign a waiver to say Ford is not responsible for warranty issues, however who would pay $80000 for a brand new truck with no warranty. We never signed any papers stating Ford or the dealer were not responsible for repairs.

I also have no idea why they let the truck sit for over three weeks and tell Frank it is fixed. When he gets there, it is still sitting on the lot broken. We do not want anoother Ford especially the F350 they are horrible on fuel and after this fiasco, who would ever want to give them a second chance?

If Ford will not warranty their trucks or the dealer whom built the truck is not responsible then we as a buyer should be informed in writing and given a legitimate reason they will not honor it.

I don't even know where to start dealing with this mess...

Originally Posted by iansfishy View Post
its not the air cleaner so much as "after market mods" that may void your warranty. I dont know about fords, but with my Dodge I have had no problems and i have ALOT of after market stuff. dont be afraid to take it back to the dealer and tell them it was there work and you want to trade straight across for a new truck. Or find somewhere where it states any after market mods void your warrenty and take that to the people who did the mods or the make them prove how a cold air intake can do that dammage.
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Old 01-05-2009, 04:41 AM
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I saw that this is the case in the states. It would make total sense that they would have to prove the cold air intake caused the damage. I have had a cold air intake on every one of my fuel injected vehicles with no ill effect. I made sure to have the truck customized by the dealer with dealer approved parts, just for warranty purposes. It cost more money this way since dealers charge a lot of money. However it was done to make certain of warranty coverage.

I was hoping there was a phone number for somebody that would deal with this issue, since I know we are not alone in this by all means...

Originally Posted by PoonTang View Post
Im not sure how it is here in Canada but in the US they have to prove that the modifications caused/contributed the damage.
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Old 01-05-2009, 04:44 AM
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Originally Posted by PoonTang View Post
Im not sure how it is here in Canada but in the US they have to prove that the modifications caused/contributed the damage.
^^^ I was just going to mention this. I had a similar problem with a car I owned down in the states where the dealer said the warranty was void because there were after market mods. In the end they could not prove that the mods caused the problem and had to honor the warranty. I would look into this first as other have said. Unfortunately I find Canada does not quite have the same protection for consumers that the US has and the consumer often seems to get screwed of those situations where all the rights you have in the US is a good thing.

Really sorry to hear about this. Personally I find if you stay calm and work through it, it will get resolved. Just don't panic or stress too much and certainly don't give up. I find retailers will often try to get you to give up quickly or easily to get out of things but if you persist they often "cave" or end up working things out. Sometimes it just takes time.

Good luck!
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Old 01-05-2009, 05:10 AM
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Sadly this truck has been a lemon since we brought it home. It has been on a flat deck more times then I can count. Frank picked it up form repairs once, brought it to the car wash and had to have it flat decked out of there an hour after it was picked up. We put our trailer on it, and it blew the tranny, and Ford didn't want to fix it then, but the dealer fixed it.

I know the dealer wants out fo their responsibility to fix the truck. We had the truck taken to another dealer for head gaskets earlier this year and they told us the truck was not covered due to a lift kit. What the lift kit has to do with a head gasket is beyond me. We took it to our regular dealer and they fixed the EGR cooler instead of head gaskets. I told hubby the truk was still blowing white smoke and his air conditioning and heat hardly worked due to low coolant levels.

The amount of time and work that have been missed because of this truck is unreal. I know it seems like a good idea to take the 2009 truck but the payments are even more on the lease and I hate the truck. My husband had his truck fully customized and dealer built, which makes it an extension of himself. We also don't want another Ford and are stuck with this truck and are expected to pay for the repairs if we don't take the other truck. The dealer will have to pay to repair our truck anyways in order to sell it again.

My plan is to go to both dealers where the truck was serviced and obtain the records. Then I will call Ford and ask for their reasons for not fixing the truck in writing. I was thinking of getting the media involved in some way or another since this dealer is still building these trucks. I want to do some undercover work and find out what they do for warranty on these 2009 F350 with the lift kits and oversized tires and rims. Who would pay this kind of money for a truck only to have no warranty?

Originally Posted by GreenSpottedPuffer View Post
^^^ I was just going to mention this. I had a similar problem with a car I owned down in the states where the dealer said the warranty was void because there were after market mods. In the end they could not prove that the mods caused the problem and had to honor the warranty. I would look into this first as other have said. Unfortunately I find Canada does not quite have the same protection for consumers that the US has and the consumer often seems to get screwed of those situations where all the rights you have in the US is a good thing.

Really sorry to hear about this. Personally I find if you stay calm and work through it, it will get resolved. Just don't panic or stress too much and certainly don't give up. I find retailers will often try to get you to give up quickly or easily to get out of things but if you persist they often "cave" or end up working things out. Sometimes it just takes time.

Good luck!
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Old 01-05-2009, 05:26 AM
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Here is a link for even more of these trucks... this owns the other dealer we leased the truck with...
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Old 01-05-2009, 05:42 AM
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After reading your post here, I thought I would chip in my 2 cents. I previously worked for a Ford dealer and still work in the auto industry, but as a consultant/vendor to dealers rather than to consumers. I now deal with all brands, especially imports.

The first thing to note is that pretty much all mods to a new vehicle (whether done by the dealer or not) can have warranty implications. Even Ford Racing and Toyota Racing brand parts have a disclaimer about how they affect warranty. That does not necessarily mean that your warranty should be void.

The second thing to note is that I highly doubt that the dealer is truly just trying to stiff you. They really want to do the warranty work (that's how they get paid) but they can't go against the manufacturer. What generally happens in these situations is that the dealer spends some time looking to see if the mods influenced the failure. Often they would "help you out" by not disclosing all the info to the manufacturer in order to get your warranty work approved/done. This has often been especially true when they sold the mods to you.

Since the huge mess in the US banking system, all the manufacturers (yes Toyota and Honda too) are having some cash issues. This has been more prevalent with the US brands as they tend to loan money to consumers more freely than the imports. With this cash crunch, they've been looking at ways to cut costs and one of those ways is to really watch the dealers hard on all warranty work. This is something the imports have done all along (you would not believe how much warranty is refused by the import brands.) Since they are being watched, audited and measured constantly, dealers are unable to provide the level of help they previously provided.

Unfortunately, it sounds like somewhere along the line, Ford has been informed of the mods which immediately prompts the "watch list" My suggestion to you would be to re-approach the dealer and ask what they feel a solution will be outside of buying a new vehicle. Suggest to them that you will probably have to start discussing things with Ford directly and you will need the dealer to provide the manufacturer some details about the modifications they are doing to new vehicles. This may prompt them to "help" you further as many dealers have really started backing away from doing mods and don't really want the OEM to know they do it.

The last thing that strikes me is that it's not very common for someone who gets mods done by the dealer to only get the Cold Air return done. Is there anything else that they may be blaming for the problem? Maybe a combo of a bunch of things?

Sorry about writing a book here, but I thought some background info might help you come up with a solution or some more ideas. I agree with what was said earlier about keeping cool, calm and persistent is the best way to get this handled.

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Old 01-05-2009, 05:47 AM
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I think the dealer should eat it if the modifications that THEY SOLD you voided the warranty.

Did you know that it only costs $100 to file against them in small claims court? I think you can sue for up to $5000 with that and up to (Don't quote me on this) $20000 if you pay $200. You act as your own lawer and if you lose......... There is no provision for them to ask for legal expences. Since they'll be sending a lawer.......... They'll be spending lots of $$$$$ to try and avoid paying for the repairs. If they think it over early on and there's a chance that they may lose, they may just decide to minimize the loss and just have the repairs done.

Just a thought.


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