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Old 12-24-2008, 04:31 PM
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I'm debating it. Although things like this are a huge battle for me because I worry that its just one more thing to do every day. I'm really curious as to how this will play out. I think its a very interesting product from what I've read.
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Old 12-24-2008, 05:11 PM
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Hi catherine

As a clam lover I promise you it would not be something you would regret, if you wish I can put you in direct contact with our guy in Michigan that feeds all his imports on it. Also we have another clam lover in Ottawa that cant get enough of it. He was the first to try it, and has not looked back.

This is one product that does not need marketing hype, used correctly you WILL see results.
Old 12-24-2008, 05:27 PM
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Do you know what kind of results people see? I think its something I will try, however it obviously has to wait until the new year. I'm very cautious about additives and such, a) 'cause I'm lazy and don't want to do daily dosing if I don't have to, and b) a lot of companies won't disclose what is in their products. Clearly though you guys don't fall into category b.

I'll definitely watch this thread for a couple of weeks and see what pops up. I usually do my dry goods ordering for the year in January, so maybe I'll add it to my list and see what happens.
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Old 12-24-2008, 05:35 PM
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The initial results appear within about 10 days these being greatly extended polyps and following on from that enhanced colouration.

Long term benefits are increased growth rates, desease fighting strength and for nearly imported clams, a much quicker recovery period.
Old 12-24-2008, 05:40 PM
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When you say polyps are we talking SPS polyps?
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Old 12-24-2008, 05:54 PM
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Sorry, I was giving a broad range expectation, as the Ultra clam has MinS in it some of this will be absorbed by the SPS and you will see increased polyp extension and increased feeding activity from any filter feeder

A bit further advise from guys using it, they have seen greater results by cloud feeding and only feeding directly now and again, this then enables the whole tank to benefit from this fine filter food.
Old 12-27-2008, 01:35 PM
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Ok i thinkI have this sorted out with the stuff pretty easy.
Dec 24- dosed 2 ml of Ammino Acid. first thing
made up some paste, ultra min clam food sucked out the blue liquid then dosed a bit in the tank. im only using around 1 ml every time I feed thou I dont want to over feed.
Dec 25 dosed Ammino Acids again
and fed 2 times with the clam food.
Dec 26 same thing. Noticed that hte huge Squamosa has a brighter color today , may be its just me.
Dec 27 going to take some pictures of the clams and the sps with their PE
on my Bule tip stag the PE is crazy to.

Just one question. Can I dose the Ammino 2 times per day say 1.5ml in the morning and 1.5 ml in the evening?
What happnens when you dose to much ammino acids to the tank.
Oh ya does the filter sock have anything negitive effects on the tank wil it catch all the food?
180 starfire front, LPS, millipora
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Old 12-27-2008, 02:08 PM
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As expected it does not take too long to get results from this stuff

Ok looks like we have two reviews in one here so will break them down seperate so not to confuse.

First the Ultra Clam - You are doing everything right, and the colouration you are seeing is not your imagination. Some mixing advise obtained from the big Clam keepers over the boarder, they mix the goo up, leave for 24 hours and then mix the surface residue back in, this makes a stronger mix and also gives even better results, so if you have been dont drain this off, just mix back in. You can make up sausage like amounts and freeze into feeding portions and defrost on use. I would stick to the amount you are feeding for now and just keep a close eye. You will know if you are over feeding as your nutrients will rise. As for the filter sock, if possible divert for 2 hours after feeding, if not, I am sure it will not have much of a negative effect.

Now the MinS - MinS is the first nutrient building block for the ultra Lith System, (Faunas Low nutrient system). As it is a strong amino supplement any tank fed with this will see big differences in polyp extension and also growth, colouration also to a degree, although the Ultra Amin and power traces provide higher colouration. Things to note when using MinS on its own is just nutrient levels, as you have not increased your bacterial activity to cater for this big positive shock, so again watch the levels and keep in mind you already are putting MinS in the system with the Ultra Clam.

Photos welcome.

Last edited by Aqua-Digital; 12-27-2008 at 03:09 PM.
Old 12-27-2008, 07:25 PM
Fauna Marin Fauna Marin is offline
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Just one question. Can I dose the Ammino 2 times per day say 1.5ml in the morning and 1.5 ml in the evening?
What happnens when you dose to much ammino acids to the tank.
Oh ya does the filter sock have anything negitive effects on the tank wil it catch all the food?


Yes you can dose it twice a day
and if you dose to much you will get a bacterial bloom greenish white on you glasses. If oyu add more then you see your corals turn into brownish coloration.

No the particles are to fine to catch by an filtersock
greets claude
Old 12-27-2008, 07:38 PM
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Vielen Dank, dass Sie claude
180 starfire front, LPS, millipora
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