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Old 12-15-2008, 05:31 PM
fishfood fishfood is offline
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Default West End GTA Reef/Aquarium Club next meet

When: Thursday, January 8th, 2009
Where: Location to be decided
Goal: The goal of this meeting is to walk away with a club name. We are also hoping to have more people turn out for this meet.

So, what we ask of you is this; please respond to this post, with whatever names you think would suit our West End GTA Reef/Aquarium Club.

Once we have a decent amount of entries, we will do a process of elimination, and come up with what everyone thinks best suits as a name.

Hopefully we'll work down to at least three top choices for the meet, and at the meet, decide from those three, which one we all like best.

I know you might be thinking; "Why don't you just come up with a name, and that's that. Rather than go through all this work".

Well, the reason those who met today want to do it this way, is because it will give each and everyone of us a better involvment in the club. Rather than one person call the shots like a dictatorship.

So far, here is a short list of what we have come up with;
- Aquarium Enthusiasts of Mississauga (AEM)
- Mississauga Aquarium Society (MAS)
- Mississauga Reef Club (MRC)
- Reef Enthusiasts of Mississauga (REM)
- West End Reef Society (WERS)
- West End Reefers (WER) can be too easily confused with 420
- Marine Aquarium Society of Mississauga (MASM)
- Mississauga Marine Aquarium Club (MMAC)
- West End Marine Aquarium Society (WEMAS)
- West End Reef Club (WERK)

I know all these submissions so far are heavy with Mississauga, I thought it would just help in the thought process.

At our recent meet, we realized that calling something "West End" could easily get confused with something in B.C.. Sp what we're looking for, is a name that represents the following;
- lets people know we're in the west end of the GTA (Oakville, Misissauga, Brampton, Milton, Georgetown, Port Credit, etc.)
- when people see the name, they'll hopefully somehow know we're in Ontario
- names like MAST (Marine Aquarium Society of Toronto) and MACL (Marine Aquarium Club of London) are both pretty self explanatory, and that's what we're looking to achieve with our name

So lets see some submissions, who knows, your club name might be the chosen one!
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Old 12-29-2008, 01:06 AM
piscies75 piscies75 is offline
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Default meet up

hi i live Toronto beaches. do have a location for the meeting?
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Old 12-29-2008, 02:24 AM
fishfood fishfood is offline
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location to be decided soon

I just thought I'd also mention MAST (Marine Aquarium Society of Toronto), which may be a little closer for you.
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