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Old 04-28-2003, 06:54 PM
kgb kgb is offline
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Default frag swap

i was think about a frag swap and was wondering if any one would want to do this ? every one brings frags or corals they no longer have room for or dont want anymore and meetr in one area and (maybe the next calgary meeting ). i dont know if any one has anything or this is a good idea but maybe other people would like this 2
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Old 04-28-2003, 07:57 PM
Quinn Quinn is offline
Join Date: Dec 2002
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i think it's a good idea, but i am not sure there are enough people in the area to really make it work. i'm thinking that basically if anyone is looking for a frag from anyone else, they have already communicated their wishes to the owner of the mother colony. in other words, there are no secrets among us. i may be totally wrong though.

perhaps it would be better for each person to post a "wanted" list. there may be people who are not really thinking of fragging, but when they see someone else is looking for a cutting of X species, will do so.

the other option is to go all-out, rent a location and advertise in the LFSs. however this may a. force the club to formalize, something which has been discussed and b. there may be some individuals who are uncomfortable distributing frags to those they don't know.

just some thoughts. in about two months time, i myself will certainly be interested in frags...
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