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Old 05-01-2008, 08:29 PM
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I think this is being blown a tad out of proportion. Smoking is being banned not because it's hazardous to the smoker’s heath, smoking is being banned because it's bad for the non-smoking publics health. You can't really make comparisons to obesity. I can sit beside you and watch you plow 15 hamburgers into your mouth everyday and it would have zero affect on my health. Unless I can be disgusted to death. Where as If I sat beside you while you smoked a pack a day my heath would be significantly affected.

It's my god given right to fire off a few rounds. Do you want me doing it in the vicinity of your children? Nope, that's why it's illegal inside city limits. ( no I don't own a firearm - just an example )

Last edited by Parker; 05-01-2008 at 08:33 PM.
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Old 05-01-2008, 08:47 PM
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Originally Posted by Aquattro View Post
I hate rules. I think the government should p*** off. I have a parking ticket from them on my desk right now. Screw them!! I should be able to park where I choose, when I choose. I didn't elect them to give me tickets. Another thing. Heroin. I want to sell it, but they won't let me. Some stupid rule about selling drugs. Well, I'm only trying to sell to my user friends, and they WANT me to sell it. Why can't I do this?? Stupid 51% dictatorship. I wouldn't have voted for them if I knew I couldn't sell drugs. I'd even meet in the middle and sell coke, but no, same rule applies. I don't get it. They grow pot and sell it, and I can't sell heroin??? WTF? I could sell you a Big Mac, but not smack. Is there a difference?? I think not. That's just me though.
And I don't want to dwell on things, but this peeing on the sidewalk thing, it's kinda got me going. Whyt can't I just whip it out and pee anywhere I want? Ok, the women prolly voted against it, but really, if people don't want to look at it, they can just close their eyes. It has no direct health risks, well, unless they touch it. So?? No, stoopid gov won't let me. It's a law they say. Same with smoking and heroin. More laws. When will all these laws end?? Do we really need them?? I say NO!!! I think I gotta move somewhere I can smoke my heroin anywhere I want and pee on anyone that complains about it. Suggestions anyone??
LMAO, Lets move to CUBA
Dan Pesonen

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Old 05-01-2008, 08:53 PM
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Originally Posted by banditpowdercoat View Post
LMAO, Lets move to CUBA

Been there, they have too many laws. I had a soldier point a machine gun at my head. Not so much fun
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Old 05-01-2008, 09:08 PM
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Originally Posted by Aquattro View Post
Been there, they have too many laws. I had a soldier point a machine gun at my head. Not so much fun
Too bad the Virgle project was a hoax.
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Old 05-01-2008, 09:22 PM
pulik pulik is offline
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Hope that eventually smoking will be completely banned in all public places, indoor and out. Indoor, for the health of the non-smokers, and outdoor in view of the litter. Beside the fact that some smokers can knock your socks off with a blast of "fragrance", I used to abhore having to pick up handfulls of cigarette butts before setting up my stall at the Farmers' Markets. And, where I've traveled in Europe recently, the butts along the streets, tram lines, subways, on the railroad, everywhere, is just disgusting! The gravel between the train tracks is literally white with butts. Personally, I'd really rather not see our great outdoors become a nuisance ground filled to the rafters with cigarette butts.
...But, that's just me.....
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Old 05-01-2008, 09:31 PM
Pier Pressure Pier Pressure is offline
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Aquattro, I believe there is a safe injection site in Vancouver where you can do exactly what you want! I am hoping you are just joking to make a point, though.

I am not so much against the anti smoking laws as against the government having anything to do with the removal of any personal freedoms.

What is next? If you smoke at home and you have children that smell it, you will be labelled a child abuser, have your children taken away, and be thrown in jail? I know this is an extreme example but the buck has to stop somewhere.

As to the litter associated with smoking, this is only going to get worse because people are smoking outside the bars and leaving butts everywhere.

And I am sick and tired of the pick-up lines and come-ons I have to face when I stop at my local grocery store after work because the parking lot is full of drunken morons from the bar. Being intoxicated in public is supposed to be illegal as well.
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Old 05-01-2008, 09:42 PM
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Originally Posted by Pier Pressure View Post
I am hoping you are just joking to make a point, though.
Um, yes. Although if someone smokes at home with kids in the house, I think someone or some agency should intervene. The choice of the parents to kill their children is probably not the choice the children themselves would make.
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Old 05-01-2008, 11:44 PM
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I am a smoker adn i do agree with the indoor laws, however the outdoors is questionable. as metioned before there are far worse airborn pollutants right outside the door due due the burning of non renewable resources that even as up to date as this week is killing hundreds of animals right outside your back door. due to the gathering of such fuels. how long can we continue to put of the electric car and such? i dont have any interest in driving one ever. but that doesnt mean i dont think they need to make a serious move in the next decade or so and make some with better power and longer lasitng bateries.
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Old 05-02-2008, 12:10 AM
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Another thing. Heroin. I want to sell it, but they won't let me. Some stupid rule about selling drugs. Well, I'm only trying to sell to my user friends, and they WANT me to sell it. Why can't I do this?? Stupid 51% dictatorship. I wouldn't have voted for them if I knew I couldn't sell drugs. I'd even meet in the middle and sell coke, but no, same rule applies. I don't get it. They grow pot and sell it, and I can't sell heroin??? WTF? I could sell you a Big Mac, but not smack. Is there a difference?? I think not. That's just me though.
And I don't want to dwell on things, but this peeing on the sidewalk thing, it's kinda got me going. Whyt can't I just whip it out and pee anywhere I want? Ok, the women prolly voted against it, but really, if people don't want to look at it, they can just close their eyes. It has no direct health risks, well, unless they touch it. So?? No, stoopid gov won't let me. It's a law they say. Same with smoking and heroin. More laws. When will all these laws end?? Do we really need them?? I say NO!!! I think I gotta move somewhere I can smoke my heroin anywhere I want and pee on anyone that complains about it. Suggestions anyone?? :)
First of all the drugs are illegal and as the song says"God Da-- the Pusher Man" Seeing firsthand what heroin and crack do to a person and how that affects the legal system and the health system I really hope you are joking when you say you want to sell heroin.
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Old 05-02-2008, 12:13 AM
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Originally Posted by ElGuappo View Post
I am a smoker adn i do agree with the indoor laws, however the outdoors is questionable. as metioned before there are far worse airborn pollutants right outside the door due due the burning of non renewable resources that even as up to date as this week is killing hundreds of animals right outside your back door. due to the gathering of such fuels. how long can we continue to put of the electric car and such? i dont have any interest in driving one ever. but that doesnt mean i dont think they need to make a serious move in the next decade or so and make some with better power and longer lasitng bateries.
Is this not the "Well if everyone else is doing it then my little bit doesn't matter argument"? I dont think specificly its the biggest health issue I just think its a non smoker weighing out smoker decision. I know I don't personally enjoy walking out of a Walmart to 14 people blowing smoke in my face. You also have to realise that people are allergic to some of the chemicals in smoke so these people smoking infront of Walmart are technicly infringing on their rights?
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