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Old 02-28-2008, 09:47 PM
Jenndarlin Jenndarlin is offline
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Default Newly aggressive

So, My purple tang, who was one of my 1st and has been in the tank almost a year now has decided he doesn't want anyone new in his tank.

2 weeks ago I brought home a new copperbanded butterfly. The tang tried to eat him overnight. I had had a similar problem when trying to introduce another tang into the tank but ended up returning the other tang. I know Tang Vs Tang is not always a great mix but this guy is like rambo.....

After some consultation with others, I decided that instead of returning this fish (as my tank is still young and there WILL be more fish) I would move the tang into the sump to let the copperband get settled in the hopes of the tang not being so aggressive when he is re-introduced.

He has been there for 2 weeks now. He wasn't happy at 1st, but he's fine now but I want to re-introduce him. I was going to re-introduce him at night but he did so much damage at night last time that I want to be able to supervise him for a while. What suggestions to you all have...Has it been enough time or should I wait longer.

Any advice is appreciated.


100 Gal Reef. Home to my Royal Gramma, Purple Tang, Pair of O. Clownfish, Canary Wrasse, Blue Devil Damsel, Flame Angel, Lunar Wrasse, Copperbanded Butterfly,Flame Lobster, Cleaner Shrimp, Various Snails, Softies,& LPS.
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Old 02-28-2008, 10:03 PM
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Here's some info right off the website:

Purple Tang - Zebrasoma xanthurusAlso known as: Yellowtail, Purple Sailfin Tang
Maximum Size: the Zebrasoma xanthurus grows up to 10 inches.
General Size Specifications: The small size will come to you generally 1 to 2 inches; the medium generally 3 to 4 inches; the large generally 5 to 6 inches.
Minimum Tank Size: The Purple Tang prefers a tank of at least 100 gallons with plenty of places to hide & swim.
Diet: The Zebrasoma xanthurus is a herbivore and likes to eat Dried Seaweed (best), marine algae, mysid shrimp, Spirulina, Romaine Lettuce (blanched) , fresh seaweed, and other meaty treats.
Level of Care: The Purple Tang is a medium maintenance fish.
Behavior: The Purple Tang may act peacefully toward other fish.
Hardiness: This is a hardy fish.
Water Conditions: Keep water quality high (SG 1.020 - 1.025, pH 8.1 - 8.4, Temp. 72 - 78° F).
Range: the Red Sea.
General Notes: Once rare and almost impossible to import, the Zebrasoma xanthurum or Purple Red Sea Tang is a frequently sought member for the aquarium. The most aggressive an belligerent member of the Zebrasomas, the Purple Tang will likely pick a fight with any member of the Surgeonfish/Tang family as well as any fish that looks similar to a tang. Should be the last fish and best kept as the only tang introduced to the tank unless housed in a very large aquarium with other aggressive and large tangs. Must be fed vitamin suppliments and proper herbivorous diet to retain vivid color and prevent head and lateral line erosion (HLLE)

Long and the short of it is you have too small of a tank and too many fish for the Tang to ever be happy.

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Old 02-28-2008, 10:06 PM
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I agree with the above! Unfortunately, Purple Tangs are notorious for bullying, and especially so (I wager) if it doesn't have lots of room to swim, is battling for territory, etc.

Maybe since you've already got it separated in the sump, now would be a good time to sell it and replace it with a more accomodating, appropriate fish.

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Old 02-28-2008, 10:20 PM
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If he is going to get along two weeks should be enough. You should re-do your aquascape. Next time add the aggressive first last You can always make a temp divider out of eggcrate as well. hope it works out. Although now is see your 60gallon tank. It's too small the tang will always be stressed. He is fightin for territory and he doesn't have enough to begin with.

Originally Posted by Jenndarlin View Post
So, My purple tang, who was one of my 1st and has been in the tank almost a year now has decided he doesn't want anyone new in his tank.

2 weeks ago I brought home a new copperbanded butterfly. The tang tried to eat him overnight. I had had a similar problem when trying to introduce another tang into the tank but ended up returning the other tang. I know Tang Vs Tang is not always a great mix but this guy is like rambo.....

After some consultation with others, I decided that instead of returning this fish (as my tank is still young and there WILL be more fish) I would move the tang into the sump to let the copperband get settled in the hopes of the tang not being so aggressive when he is re-introduced.

He has been there for 2 weeks now. He wasn't happy at 1st, but he's fine now but I want to re-introduce him. I was going to re-introduce him at night but he did so much damage at night last time that I want to be able to supervise him for a while. What suggestions to you all have...Has it been enough time or should I wait longer.

Any advice is appreciated.

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Old 02-28-2008, 10:21 PM
Jenndarlin Jenndarlin is offline
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Sorry, should update my signature. I set up a 100 gallon with a 25 gallon sump last september when the 60 had a leak....

100 Gal Reef. Home to my Royal Gramma, Purple Tang, Pair of O. Clownfish, Canary Wrasse, Blue Devil Damsel, Flame Angel, Lunar Wrasse, Copperbanded Butterfly,Flame Lobster, Cleaner Shrimp, Various Snails, Softies,& LPS.
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Old 02-28-2008, 10:37 PM
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most purple tangs are relentless with their bullying and will continue until the other fish is dead. I have had success with introducing a massive tang (like a 7" sailfin) that put the purple tang in place in terms of "whos the boss". But when the purple is at the top of the hierachy, i think you will continue to have problems with bullying.
A trick you may try to employ is the mirror trick. Get a mirror and put it on the outside of the tank on one end. The purple will be furious at his own reflection and leave the others alone.
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Old 02-28-2008, 11:18 PM
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Sometimes I'm furious at my own reflection, too. But I digress...

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Old 02-28-2008, 11:34 PM
Jenndarlin Jenndarlin is offline
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Thanxs for all of the info.....The funny thing is that when he gets mad he goes this white milky transparent color and can go back to dark purple within seconds...while I know when he's white he's not happy, it is a very interesting color changing process... and he is great with all of the other fish, even the female clown who doesn't like any of the other fish other than her mate.... and he used to be great with the previuos butterfly and this tank is over 40 gallons bigger than that one so theoretically there should be no space problem. The only actual addition to this tank since I set it up is the Lunar wrasse and there are no problems there.

I am going to try to re-introduce him tonight but I am prepared to have to put him back in the sump if he become aggressive.... He's suprsisingly really easy to net..

I love this hobby....(trying to convince myself why right now)

100 Gal Reef. Home to my Royal Gramma, Purple Tang, Pair of O. Clownfish, Canary Wrasse, Blue Devil Damsel, Flame Angel, Lunar Wrasse, Copperbanded Butterfly,Flame Lobster, Cleaner Shrimp, Various Snails, Softies,& LPS.
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Old 02-28-2008, 11:36 PM
Jenndarlin Jenndarlin is offline
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Hmmm...The mirror trick....very interesting...i will give that a try...

Thanx again.

100 Gal Reef. Home to my Royal Gramma, Purple Tang, Pair of O. Clownfish, Canary Wrasse, Blue Devil Damsel, Flame Angel, Lunar Wrasse, Copperbanded Butterfly,Flame Lobster, Cleaner Shrimp, Various Snails, Softies,& LPS.
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Old 02-29-2008, 12:20 AM
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wouldnt the mirror trick cause stress to the tang? try changing your rockscape helped me with my tang and butterfly the tang will have to re estabish territory and will not feel as though the whole tank is his anymore
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