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Old 02-22-2008, 05:37 AM
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Originally Posted by G1GY View Post
I know what you're saying Deb, but I allway's hear people putting so much stock into the greatness of CKC and AKC registration. I grew up spending my weekends with my dad at the GSD club here in Calgary and seen some of the crapiest dogs known to man be sold for huge bucks because of their bloodline and papers. I've also seen some very well known breeders and trainers destroy great dogs for simple flaws in apperance. Also, so many of these dogs from so many great breeders are not the same calliber of dogs we seen in the past.(As recently as the late 70's)

I myself will avoid buying from breeders and petstores in the future and will seek out only non-registered dogs. I think the well known breeders are in it for the money to be had just as much as the next buisness. Many backyard breeders hope to recover what it's costed them on vet care and such and are happy when their puppies find a great home.

Just my opinion though.
That's okay. We spend every other weekend with a breeder who pretty much gives up her life for dogs. I guess it is easy to see another side.
Old 02-22-2008, 05:39 AM
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Originally Posted by fishoholic View Post
Selling or adopting out either way you can usually tell who's just trying to make a quick buck by how much they charge. Scars charges $250 which includes up to date shoots/vet check, microchip, and spay/neuter. I also believe Taliz and Dogspaw give discounts to animals from rescue organizations.
Exactly. A $250 adoption fee is nothing.
Old 02-22-2008, 06:20 AM
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I hope that tencats can get the dog back for a proper rescue. If not, I doubt I will be able to get the dog. If anyone can, let me know, what is the price? I can definitely foster this dog.

Old 02-22-2008, 06:39 AM
Sebae again Sebae again is offline
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My wife breeds birds and only gives them the best foods and care. It is only a hobby for her as she spends more money on the birds than she makes while some breeders she knows sell off their'' bad ''birds without disclosing anything or do inbreeding which causes problems. So it all depends on the individual person and if they are doing it for the passion or profit.
Old 02-22-2008, 02:04 PM
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A few years ago I would have never set foot in one of those pet stores (not even to buy fish), other than to loudly express my views on them selling mutts from puppy mills. However, times have changed, they've made room and built kennels (with their own money)for rescue animals to be adopted. Ya, they still sell mutts from breeders, but because they work with the rescue's, they've had eye openers and are more selective from where they buy their foo-foo dogs from. Its a step in the right direction. Of couse their making money, but I suppose we should boycott the vet clinic's because they make money off animals too. Our animals are only in those cages for a week or 2, and if they aren't adopted, then they come back to us. If they appear stressed, they come back sooner. Are those cages that different than the ones at the SPCA or Humane Society? where they would be there indefinately? That cage is alot better than the ditch they were found in! and its only temporary. I rescued a cat(not spayed) from an SPCA that sat in a metal cage for a year! How is that okay?!?! I've also rescued a kitten (not spayed) from an SPCA who sat in a metal cage for 4 months without the leg amputation surgery she needed. Not all SPCA's, Humane Society's or Animal Rescue's are created equal. If Popcorn is not adopted shortly, she will be coming back to us. You are more than welcome to go and adopt her if you can provide her with a forever home! As I said before, go look at and see how many we save, and our adoption procedures, before you pass judgement. I don't understand how rescuing animals and adopting them out is a bad thing. Yes we do it thru a pet store, do you have a better idea? Or just critisisms? You gonna build us a big adoption center, and provide us with the staff and volunteers to run it? We'd welcome it! But until then, we're gonna go with what works. And if the adoption fee's are a bit high for you, take a look at our vet bills some time! Rescuing animals isn't cheap, they don't all arrive spayed, neutered, vaccinated and in perfect health.

Last edited by tencats; 02-22-2008 at 02:36 PM.
Old 02-22-2008, 04:25 PM
pandafishowner pandafishowner is offline
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Originally Posted by Delphinus View Post
Cats and dogs and all animals really deserve to be treated well. I think for anyone's value set to truly be meaningful you can't apply said values discriminately. At this point in my life I choose to not have a dog in my life, and yet I have cats, but I would be bothered equally by bad treatment of dogs as I would of cats. And yet, I put up with derogatory comments from friends (and family members, for that matter) who consider themselves "dog lovers" but think nothing about joking about killing cats or something. That sort of thing truly disgusts me..
I'm a cat person too. I've had my two cats for 12 and 10 years. We had dogs when I was a kid but I never bonded with any of them. I prefer my cats over a dog any day. I hear you on the friends/family and their "jokes" about cats.
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It has approx 35lbs live rock, clownfish, 1 black & white saddleback clownfish, asst'd mushrooms, asst'd zoas, gsp, turbo and other snails, blue legged, halloween and other hermit crabs, tuxedo urchin

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Old 02-22-2008, 04:45 PM
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So far from watching all the responses to this thread I think we can all agree on the passion we all have for the well being of animals. I think its also fair to say that there are no doubts that there are good and bad in all pet shops, breeders, and even shelters. I think we can all agree that that this thread has sparked a lot of debate and interest..Sorry Der Iron Chef I guess there are a lot of lazy minds here. Interesting how many responses you put in. So other than some emotions that ride high at times it is nice to see that there is so much concern about the care of all our animals. Cats, Dogs, Fish whatever..Thats why there are so many great pics of them on this website. We all have the freedom to agree or disagree with what is on any thread started by any member that is what Forum is all about. I may not agree with some of the censorship but I understand the staff's position. So long as we dont resort to name calling this is one of the best forums around. So keep your frowns upside down and have a great day.
Old 02-22-2008, 04:49 PM
iansfishy iansfishy is offline
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so i have a question. I have six dogs. A Catahoula couger hound from louisianna, three border collies and two blue heelers. the hound and the two oldest border collies are allowed in the house. the other three have never set foot in my house. ( just trying to give you some background). not that i dont let them in my house but they simply are uncomfortable inside. They are working dogs ( I have a ranch and there is nothing more useful then good dogs). my hound has one eye and half of one ear from a well aimed whack from a couger a couple years back. He was doing his job and what he is bred for. he loves my young daughter and she loves him, so he is retiring in the comfort of our home. my two older collies breed every couple years and always these pups are taken by other ranchers who utilise them for work (usually after being with their parents long enough to learn a thing or two) I dont charge anything for the dogs, but if the pups dont work out for the ranchers, (because they are too timid or as we say not "cowy" enough they are brought back to me and i have to take these dogs to the local livestock feed sales store so they can sell them.( not a pet store) Its that or i would have twenty dogs! I dont breed becuse i think its fun or becuase im too cheap to get my dogs fixed 90% of the pups are very, very useful, and are having great lives doing what they are bred and raised to do. there is nothing better then seeing a dog doing what it loves. which is what a lot of people forget. before getting a dog for looks, think about its suitability in your life and how your lifestyle is going to affect the dog. Now my question for those "backyard breeders" dissaprovers - am i running a puppy mill? because im not a certified breeder. not one of my dogs has ever had a hip problem or any disease found with " certified pure bred breeders". My heeler even "slipped one past the goalie" once and I always get comments on the border collie / heeler pups. Every one of the five pups is a great working or family dog. Call me insensitive but i dont have the time or energy to be finding out about the health and welfare of every dog that has come from me. i like hearing about them but that is the extent. I am totally against people breeding dogs for the purpose of selling them to pet stores, but they are just the middle man. you cant say that alot of pure bred dogs from breeders dont end up in the same situation as a cros bred mutt from someones house. They gotta come from somewhere. I STILL SEE NO PROOF OF SAID "PUPPY MILL"?
now i just got a quick story - i was in langly a month ago with my two heelers ( they pretty much live in my truck) i cant drive into the field without them getting in the back. i stayed at my cousins house in the "burbs" for two days, all the time my dogs where in the box of my truck, at night and all day except for the couple times i took them for runs. If they arent working they sleep and lay in the truck they like it and they protect it fiercly. Now my cousins neighbor had the nerve to call the SPCA about my dogs that where being treated sooooooooooooooooooo badly in the back of my truck. I simply told the SPCA lady and my cousins nosy neighbour that if they felt so strongly that they where more then welcome to try and drop the tailgate but if the valued their arms i suggested they didnt. That is what those dogs are bred to do. They are not mean dogs. my young daughter plays with them all the time. But they know there job. my point is before preaching about pet stores and puppy mills consider your own actions towards the reason you are purchasing said dog and how in a large circle in one way or the other you do support their BREEDING and before you cut someone down because of how you feel they are treating their dogs take a moment and think before letting the accusations fly. But i guess everyone who has ever bought a dog for a thousand bucks from a dealer has had it live for fifty years, had never had a problem with them and has never taken that dog to a shelter! By the way my heelers are having pups in april. The pups are already spoken for. Call the SPCA
Old 02-22-2008, 06:39 PM
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Originally Posted by tencats View Post
if the adoption fee's are a bit high for you, take a look at our vet bills some time! Rescuing animals isn't cheap, they don't all arrive spayed, neutered, vaccinated and in perfect health.
Out of curiosity what are your adoption fees? Scars is $250 for any dog no matter how high their vet bill got. Which btw for some dogs their vet bills total in the thousands of dallars range.
One more fish should be ok?, right!!! - Laurie
Old 02-22-2008, 07:00 PM
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I paid $135 for my rescue, more then worth it for a great companion.
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