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Old 02-03-2003, 04:17 PM
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Default Sponsor a tank at the zoo

In the nocturnal section of the Australia House at the Calgary Zoo, there is a small reef display in the noctural section.

It is likely something like a 50g tank, with some lava rock as base and a small collection of fish and invertebrates. I don't beleive there are any corals in there.

I would hate to criticize an institution that does so much for conservation and education in the natural sciences; but the bottom line is this is a tank that has a lot of room for improvement.

The last time I was at the zoo, I was not able to visit the conservatory so I am not certain if they still have freshwater displays in there; but at one time they did have reasonable freshwater displays in the conservatory.

So ... presumably, there are aquarists on staff at the zoo.

One idea that we discussed at the meeting, was, if there is any possibility that as a group project we could meet with these aquarists, and discuss ways on how to improve their reef display. We could discuss tank plans for a suitable reef, or suitable reef displays, we could donate frags if there was interest in such an idea, and so on.

Personally, I feel there is a great opportunity here. Calgary no longer has a public aquarium and I feel this is huge void waiting to be filled; it would increase our visibility as a community (I mean "us" as a Calgary club), it would open the door for the zoo to present many avenues of discussion and education of the issues facing the reefs today; and the bottom line is we could perhaps have a voice in improving the existing display.

I thus, now open the floor for more discussion and invite comments, and suggestions. Of course, this is a "highly hypothetical" project at this point, and of course would allow be completely dependent upon the zoo's interest in such an idea. We may need to increase our own profile as a group before the zoo would perceive any credibility in what we have to offer. Does anybody know someone who works at the zoo, so that we can one day open the door to "open discussions" with them?
-- Tony
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Old 02-03-2003, 04:54 PM
Quinn Quinn is offline
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i don't have anything to offer other than manpower, but it's definitely something i would support.
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Old 02-03-2003, 07:13 PM
Josh23 Josh23 is offline
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I would also be more then happy to offer my hands in this exciting yet educational venture.

A friend of mine, not a really close friend. His Mom works for the Zoo. She is in marketing I believe. Not sure if they helps but let me know and I might be able to get some information if for you Tony.

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Old 02-06-2003, 03:01 AM
reefphish reefphish is offline
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Hey Tony, what an eloquent post, you should be working at the UN!

This would indeed be a wonderful opportunity for both the zoo (free stuff and expert consultation) and us (free publicity for responsible reef keeping) and ultimately the community (environmental issues awareness, and a fascinating display)

I don't have much to offer except my time (I will be looking for some frag "sponsors" myself shortly, as I start up my tank this month).

Tony when you and I discussed this on Saturday you mentioned that there was a thread for a similar discussion for "sponsoring" a zoo tank in Philly. What board was this on? It might be a good first step for us to see how they succeeded.


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Old 06-10-2004, 09:55 PM
albert_dao albert_dao is offline
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Not to burst the bubble, but I've already tried on numerous occasions. It's like they don't want anything to do with private individuals. Sent emails with examples, even offered a volunteer advisary position. No go. Apparently, the place is just crazy busy.
This and that.
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Old 06-10-2004, 09:56 PM
albert_dao albert_dao is offline
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Not to burst the bubble, but I've already tried on numerous occasions. It's like they don't want anything to do with private individuals. Sent emails with examples, even offered a volunteer advisary position. No go. Apparently, the place is just crazy busy.
This and that.
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Old 06-10-2004, 10:32 PM
Quinn Quinn is offline
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This is an old thread. Here's the newer one:

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