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Old 10-16-2007, 08:14 PM
IceTurf IceTurf is offline
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Question Mini clown poll

Hmm, I was wondering, What is the size of tank and stats that you guys got who have had success with clowns?

Smallest tank size?

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Old 10-16-2007, 09:36 PM
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I used to keep a clown pair in a 10G and they seemed happy enough, although I found that they seem to be happier in a bigger tank as even though a lot of people say they don't stray far from their home (anemone or otherwise) in my big tank they swam around like mad. I had to put my false clowns in the sump however as my tomato clowns were shredding them.
- Greg

90G : Light - Tek 6xT5 | Skim - EuroReef RS135 | Flow - 2xVortech MP40W | Control - Reef Keeper 2
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Old 10-17-2007, 12:29 AM
IceTurf IceTurf is offline
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k, what are the most interesting clowns you have had so far?
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Old 10-18-2007, 07:11 PM
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I also had a pair in a 10G, they did just fine. Now that they're in a bigger tank, they still tend to stay in their corner, but do venture out once in a while. Mine are a pair of false percs.
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Old 11-22-2007, 09:04 PM
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I at the moment have a percula. I assume it is one.. cause he is orange with large white bands... that are trimmed with black, and black fins and a tail. This is my second one that I have kept. My first one lived for 5 years.. I am not sure how old he was when I got him.

I have kept my clowns in a 33g tank, and like mentioned they swim to be active swimmers in larger tanks. The ones I see at the pet stores in smaller tanks seem to stay in one spot. Clown fish are I find amusing fish to watch as they interact with other tank mates. Both of mine have been clever enough to cruise the tank and look for the hermit crabs. They know that where there are hermits.. there is bound to be some left over food.. so they steal it from them.

My clownfish book mentions that a clown can live to be 15 years old. You may find that if you clown lasts as long as that are even as long as my first one.. that a small tank may get "boring" after awhile. If I had the space I would actually keep a larger tank than my 33g. A larger tank allows for my fish.. but also for my places to build up a reef and keep more coral.

My thought for you is.. perhaps try a 20g if you want a smaller tank.. try to keep coral if you have the right lighting or an anemone.. which can be as fascinating as the fish itself I think.

Clown fish are a pleasure to have and watch.. so whatever you decide to do.. I hope you enjoy your tank.. and not sigh like me and wish you had just bought the 50g when you had the chance!
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Old 11-23-2007, 06:40 AM
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If you're wondering what are the most interesting clowns, anyone who came by to buy frags when I had my cinnamon clowns loved them. That's mainly because they got to watch them attack my hands as soon as they entered the tank. They drew blood often, much to the laughter of the spectator
Everything I put in my tank is fully dependant on me.
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Old 11-23-2007, 07:09 AM
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I have heard that about those guys.. almost bought one.. but it would have been the only thing in my tank. They like to attack us..and move stuff around in the tanks.. and make sand storms as well as I hear. They sure are beautiful. I hear also that they are the biggest clowns in the clown damsel family.
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Old 11-23-2007, 03:01 PM
IceTurf IceTurf is offline
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lol, attack of the clowns
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