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Old 03-21-2007, 10:23 AM
kbd635 kbd635 is offline
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Default Jewel Trigon 350 litre corner tank

I currently have a Jewel Trigon 350 corner tank in storage awaiting my big move sometime this year and was wondering if there are any posters who have corner tanks like this or any other make?
It is drilled and I intend to set it up with a new sump when I eventually do move. I know exactly what I want to do with the sump, so no problems there anyway.
Is there anyone who supplies these corner tanks in BC, as I want to install t5's in the hood?
OR.... is there a similar model made by someone else on you continent?
Thanks for any replies!
Jeez! I miss my tank!
Trigon 350 with sump.
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Old 03-21-2007, 04:18 PM
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danny zubot danny zubot is offline
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Hi Kenny, I used to have a 54 gallon corner tank. I haven't seen a lot of these corner tanks for sale in my area lately, and that is probably due to the issues people have with lighting them.

The lighting I used over my 54 gallon was 1 250 watt MH plus a dual 24" PC light, and let me tell you it was a tight fit. A 92 gallon like your might be easier to work with but you will still run into problems because of the pie shape of the tank. You will need to acquire several different lenghts of T5 lights if you want to obtain good coverage, I would go with retrofit kits. In fact, when you get here contact J & L aquatics because they can create a retro fit kit to suit your needs. Maybe a 4 bulb setup with 2x 36" and 2 x 24' bulbs or something like that.

Hope this helps!

55 gallon cube - 50 lbs LR - ASM G3 skimmer - 30 Gallon sump - 22 Gallon refugium / frag tank - 4x 24 watt HO T5's - Mag 9.5 return - Pin Point PH monitor - 400 watt XM 20K MH in Lumenarc reflector - Dual stage GFO/NO3 media reactor - 6 stage RODI auto top up -Wavemaster Pro running 3 Koralia 2's.

Fully stocked with fish, corals and usually some fine scotch
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