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Old 03-04-2007, 05:15 AM
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Default Sohal Tangs?

So JL Aquatics just got some of these in, anybody keep them? I am wondering because some say they are very aggressive, almost to the point of hunting down and killing other Tangs?

I have a 220 Gallon with a Naso, sailfin and yellow among other large triggers and aggressive I asking for trouble longterm adding one of these to the mix? The other Tangs are all larger than the sohal would be.

Raf & Diana

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Old 03-04-2007, 01:47 PM
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I would say you need to put a equal size Sohal in there if you want him to have a chance. Or be prepare to take him out. THis is what i did when i added another tang to my tank a awhile back

I bought a yellow tang and put him in a bag to let the other fish see him. once he was there I got a rubber maid container to use the clear ones so eveyone could see him even the scopas. Then I would feed the fish nori and hang it by the clear container and then the other tang would have to come up by the container to get the nori and he would see the tang. freak out after awhile the scopas just didnt care. It worked for me
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Old 03-04-2007, 04:04 PM
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It is a crap shoot. I had one with no aggresion problems but that nipped acros. Just be prepared to remove him like I did. Luckily outgoing aggresive fish eventually are the ones that get cocky enough to feed in a net
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Old 03-04-2007, 05:11 PM
SeaHorse_Fanatic SeaHorse_Fanatic is offline
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If you do add a sohal in, be prepared for it to be the last fish you add to that tank. Have heard of people who couldn't add any new fish in after their sohal because it would get territorial & try to kill anything else added later.

It too is one of my fav. fish, but with a Powder Blue already in there, I don't want to risk having my ick magnet get sick or anything.

If you see it, can take care of it, better get it or put it on hold. Otherwise, it'll be gone & you'll regret it!
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Old 03-04-2007, 11:35 PM
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Default all different

all fishes are different and their outcome behavior is dependent on their personalities. But as a general rule, they become mean ba$$$rds as they mature. Adding them last when they are small does help to keep their attitudes in check as they will be less reluctant to challenge their dominancy. But day by day they may try here and ther, harder and harder and eventually if the most dominant fish chickens out one day, then the sohal will start pushing its weight around...... thats usually when trouble starts in your once peaceful cohabiting tank..... and thats usually when people start posting their sohals for sale.
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Old 03-04-2007, 11:56 PM
BlueNWhite BlueNWhite is offline
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I would have to agree with Anthony and Chin above. Individual's will vary, but many of my friends have had Sohal's and they are right up there for mean-ness with the Clown Tang. Definitely last fish for sure.
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Old 03-05-2007, 05:52 AM
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thanks guys

i am still undecided lol

Raf and Diana

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