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Old 11-10-2006, 04:35 AM
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Default Aptasia

My tank has alot of aptasia in it. I think I will get some needles from my brother inlaw, as he works out alot and should have some
I have heard that if you inject lemon juice into the aptasia it will kill it.
I have tried Joes Juice, and apart from turning them a pail color, it does nothing. Some of these aptasia are getting big. Can someone tell me how big they can get????
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Old 11-10-2006, 04:45 AM
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Huge almost big enough to wrestle the syringe.

Have a couple, that can't reach but really don't want to tear the tank apart, that are probably 1" across the disk maybe 2.5-3" if I include the tentacles. Given up on the vinegar will be trying kalk next.

Last edited by mark; 11-10-2006 at 04:50 AM.
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Old 11-10-2006, 04:47 AM
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They can easily get to 1" or more.

When you're using Joe's Juice, be sure to inject them. Use a needle instead of the syringe pokey thing they give you, that's just going to squirt the stuff on them. They'll come back.

Alternatively you can try kalk paste. Get a good thick sludge of kalk and inject the sludge at the bottom. Not the kalk water itself, that's just spicy water as far as they're concerned. Again, a needle works best but you'll need a thick one otherwise it will gum up. Try UFA, they have honking big needles there.

Shut the pumps off so the water is calm, and be quick. Also if they retract into the rock too quick for you, try feeding them beforehand. If they're engorged they can't squeeze into a hole as easily.
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Old 11-10-2006, 05:54 AM
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Originally Posted by Delphinus View Post
They can easily get to 1" or more.

When you're using Joe's Juice, be sure to inject them. Use a needle instead of the syringe pokey thing they give you, that's just going to squirt the stuff on them. They'll come back.

Alternatively you can try kalk paste. Get a good thick sludge of kalk and inject the sludge at the bottom. Not the kalk water itself, that's just spicy water as far as they're concerned. Again, a needle works best but you'll need a thick one otherwise it will gum up. Try UFA, they have honking big needles there.

Shut the pumps off so the water is calm, and be quick. Also if they retract into the rock too quick for you, try feeding them beforehand. If they're engorged they can't squeeze into a hole as easily.
Kalk Paste is deffinitly the way to go, I tried everything when i had aptasia, joes juice made them multiply and nothing killed them but injecting them with kalk paste.

Back in the good ole days
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Old 11-10-2006, 12:50 PM
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Might be a silly question, how do you make the paste? Do you try to disolve and use what's left, or just add to water and suck off once it settles to the bottom?
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Old 11-10-2006, 04:00 PM
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Just take some kalk and put it into a little cup and add some water, get good slurry of it doesnt have to be really think but use more kalk then can dissolve.

Back in the good ole days
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Old 11-10-2006, 06:28 PM
Farrmanchu Farrmanchu is offline
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If you add really fine or liquid food to the Kalk paste, the Aptasia will stay extended during injection and will actually ingest the paste better. They want the food so bad, they eat Kalk at the same time. Then a while later, they rupture and die.
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Old 11-10-2006, 07:14 PM
tranvictor tranvictor is offline
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I have had a lot of success with just boiling hot water. Boil a kettle full, add some prime, and inject with a syringe. Even if you don't manage to actually inject the beasts the hot water still burns them to death. Then when you retract your syringe, pull back on the plunger part, and you'll suck the beasts into your syringe for easy removal. Just don't kill too many at once for obvious reasons.
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Old 11-11-2006, 02:00 PM
DiscusZ DiscusZ is offline
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I just bought some peppermints. I got back from Jamaica on Friday and checked and no Aptaisia.. 1st time in over a year and half..
Setup: 180G DT, 105G Refuge (approx. 300lbs LR, 150lbs Aragonite)
Hardware: Super Reef Octopus SSS-3000, Tunze ATO, Mag 18 return, 3x MP40W, 2X Koralia 4's Wavemaker
Lighting: 5ft Hamilton Belize Sun (2x250W MH, Blue LEDs) Vertex Calcium Reactor 2x Deltec Pellet Reactors
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Old 11-11-2006, 02:10 PM
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I had bought a peppermint also, went MIA after a week, think the monster aptasia got him as they were close to the same size.
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