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Old 08-05-2006, 05:33 AM
saltwatermaniac saltwatermaniac is offline
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Question bta

Hey all i was wondering if a bta could go into a ten gallon nano reef under 60watts of atinic lighting or if thats to little other reefers have saids thats good light and that it can but i thought i would consult other reefers on more information?

Any information would be greatly liked.
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Old 08-05-2006, 05:46 AM
bnhreef bnhreef is offline
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Default Bta


Go to BigAls and check out their BTA in their 'small' display tank. I think the tank is a 20-30 gal. Not sure. Find out the wattage on the lights.

You could try doing the 10gal but ofcourse its risky. Everytime any of us in the hobby add something to our tanks there's a risk. You minimize the risk with a larger water volume (concentration of pollutants is lower) and with using Mh on a larger tank.

Also, it might help if the BTA is a clone from someone's tank. Make sure the anemone isn't damaged. Test the anemone's health before you buy by feeding it.

Watch your powerhead intakes. Put some screens on them that are perhaps long with several holes so as to minimize the suction intake on each hole.

Go to and ask this same question.

Beware that many will tell you that your crazy and to not even attempt it. Just do your homework and decide for yourself after you know the risks and have learned how to take care of BTA.

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Old 08-05-2006, 05:50 AM
saltwatermaniac saltwatermaniac is offline
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Default bta

My friends anemone just split and also he has a bunch of other way small bta that i might get and i have had a condy before when i had really crappy lighting and it wiped out my whole tank so now i got better lights and i want to give it another shot.
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Old 08-05-2006, 08:32 AM
SeaHorse_Fanatic SeaHorse_Fanatic is offline
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Double check to see if his "way small anemones" are really btas or they're Magano anemones. I've bought tiny "green btas" only to find out that they were the pest variety.
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Old 08-05-2006, 01:40 PM
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Beverly Beverly is offline
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Little BTAs always grow into larger BTAs. My 4" GBTA is now a 9" GBTA and growing. Personally, I wouldn't have a BTA in a tank smaller than 20g, and even then be prepared to upgrade tanks eventually, or trade the large BTA for another small one.

Here is RC's Anemone FAQ to get you started....

Beverly's 10g Nano YouTube Channel
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