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Old 03-31-2006, 09:23 PM
fishguyxd fishguyxd is offline
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Default tang

I have a new regel introduced to the tank now i also have had a couple clowns and a yellow tang in there for a quite awhile they all do swim together but the regel is still quite cautious and is hidding in the rock alot i think because of the yellow tang any special food or ideas i could do to make it feel more at rest with it's tank mates?
only 25 gal & (6 bulb, t5's fixture & 30 gal sump with small fuge
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Old 03-31-2006, 09:27 PM
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Put a couple (yes , 2 or 3) strips of Nori soaked in vitamins or garlic... the reason I say use a couple, is probably because your yellow tang will go nuts on one.. and the regal may be too shy to go in for some food.

I'd say if you used vitamins and garlic it would get his belly full and he'd be feeling real good.. might come around a little quicker.

To note, I own no tangs.. I have no experience.. this is just a suggestion!

Good luck, I am sure in time he'll come around
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Old 04-01-2006, 02:05 AM
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Yellow tangs can be very territorial. I have a Regal and a Yellow in my 230 that I introduced at the same time so they are fine. I tried putting my Moorish Idol in this tank and the yellow went nuts and was attacking it every chance it got - trying to slash it with it's tail. I ended up moving the MI to my 190 where he is doing just fine - knocking furiously on wooden head - for the last 4 months with his buddy my Naso Tang.
Just a side note because I don't know how your system is set up or how big these fish are but your tank may not be large enough for these 2 fish as tangs really need a lot of swimming room and it is usually recommended that you have a 6' long tank. If they are small you are probably OK for now.
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Old 04-01-2006, 04:23 AM
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From what i understand the tellow tang is not fighting with your regal, the tang is just hiding all the time. I have a 72 gall bow front also and i had a yellow tang to start and just recently got a naso, and he is eating well but if i come close to the glass he changes color and hides, i think this is normal in tangs and as they get older and used to the tank they will grow out of it assuming it is eating well,also if your yellow is to agressive move some of the rock around and change the territory,when i first brought home my naso had to fight all night and then the next day then i changed my tank and now they are both buddys.
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Old 04-01-2006, 01:27 PM
fishguyxd fishguyxd is offline
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The regal is small I took this tank size theory into thought when buying the new fish ,they are swimming together at times but the regal bolts and hides yet well i guess time will tell.
only 25 gal & (6 bulb, t5's fixture & 30 gal sump with small fuge
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Old 04-01-2006, 01:55 PM
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Originally Posted by Montana
I have a 72 gall bow front also and i had a yellow tang to start and just recently got a naso
You probably already know this but that Naso is going to for sure get too big for your tank. The one I have is probably 12-14" from nose to the end of his tail streamers and HUGE in body as well.
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Old 04-01-2006, 02:07 PM
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I am currently building a 150 gal 6' long tank with 100 gal sump ref frag, and the naso is still a juvinile, so it will have some more room in 2-3 months,
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Old 04-01-2006, 05:31 PM
Sylvan Sylvan is offline
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Default Tang

I've had a Regal Tank for about 10 years and he still dashes into the rockwork whenever anyone comes near the tank. I think they are just a very timid fish. He is spectacularly at the front of the tank when he can't see anyone.
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