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Old 03-26-2002, 12:19 PM
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Default Where do you think the cheapest place in Calgary would be to

Where do think the cheapest place in Calgary would be to have a stand & canopy built for a 120/130, 48L 24W 27H - right now I'm waiting for two quotes from Wai's & Big Al's.

I'm looking at oak or Birch.

Anyone gone down this road before?
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Old 03-26-2002, 01:58 PM
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Default Where do you think the cheapest place in Calgary would be to

Welllll .... yes kinda, but not really. I had a quote done for a canopy once at Big Al's because I was not satisfied with any of their on floor models (none were suitable for housing halides, nowhere near enough clearance), so I basically pointed at one that I did kind of like, and ask, "how much for one that looks like this, but has the following dimensions ... blah blah blah." Basically they came back with a quote that was not altogether significantly higher than the floor model itself, which was a pleasant surprise.

In the end, I built my own canopy anyways, because I cheaped out and am somewhat of a sadist, preferring to do everything the hard way. So that's where the "kind of but not really" qualifier comes in. (I must drive these guys nuts, because it seems to me every 6 months I decide "Hmmmm I really need a XXXwidgetXXX", then go price out some options, and then decide "aw nuts I can build it for less than half that." Admittedly I did make a few mistakes on my own canopy but I'm not a professional ... it will more than suffice for the time being and the NEXT one I do will really be bang-up nice. But I digress.... :D )

I've never considered Danny as a source for a canopy or stand, but that's because I just never got around to it (I didn't realize until fairly recently that he did custom builds). I have NO IDEA what kind of cost you're looking at, but I do beleive that you'd probably be looking at a very solid product in the end. Apparently he has some very advanced tools at his disposal and seems to build some nice stuff. (His cabinet doors in his shop, for example, are his own handiwork.) Mitch can probably tell you more. This is about the extent of my knowledge.

I'm probably going to rebuild my stand and canopy for my 20, so I'm probably going to end up going down this road myself in a few months time, deciding to pay someone or bite the bullet and do it again myself. Hmmm, birch with laquer. I bet that would look really sharp for my 20g carpet tank :D ;)
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Old 03-26-2002, 02:36 PM
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Default Where do you think the cheapest place in Calgary would be to

Thanks Tony:

I've told them exactly what I want, 15 " canopy, to house two halides on reflectors, Tank would be built also, 1 corner overflow, I specified I wanted the stand to be 32-36 inches for better viewing. Danny gave me a ballpark figure of around $1800 for the works.

This would be in Birch., oak would be a little more, & maple even more.
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Old 03-26-2002, 09:37 PM
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Default Where do you think the cheapest place in Calgary would be to

For the record guys, I really wish that I had the time and facilities to build some stands and canopies!
I am so damn busy these days that I am even having a hard time working on my own house and new aquarium set-up. I would be more than happy to guide any of you through making one yourselves, though, if you brought me some rough plans.

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Old 03-26-2002, 11:51 PM
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Default Where do you think the cheapest place in Calgary would be to


Appreciate the offer, I'm in the same boat, two kids in Hockey, my second home is the rink, and to be quite honest,I don't think I could build a Bird House, I didn't get the name Mr. Chips for nothing, my father-in-law can't understand how I can own a home and only have a screwdriver & a hammer in my tool box.

I'll wait for the quotes to come in and go from there.

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Old 03-27-2002, 04:00 AM
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Default Where do you think the cheapest place in Calgary would be to

Just curious, did they give you any kind of ballpark idea for estimated turnaround?

Also, did Danny say how much more would be maple? (Maple is one of my favourite woods. Boy that would be really sharp. Sigh .... Hmmm, how about a maple stand and canopy for my 20? Hmmmm off to daydream land now ... mmmm :D )

One thing to consider: for a 48" long tank it might be a possibility to have a 2x6 cross-beam in the front. I've seen this on a 110g tank once (I think it was 110, might have been 120g, not sure). The beauty of this is any sump that will fit in the stand itself, can come in and out through the front since there's no supporting pillar in the centre. I wish I had seen this before I build the stand for my 75, because in my situation now, the only way in and out of the stand (for the sump) is through the top. Which means in order to replace my sump, I have to drain my tank which is in essence a complete tear-down. Of course, sometimes it's unavoidable perhaps, but I just mention this as an idea to ask about before anything is built. Not that you often need to replace a sump, but if you do find yourself in my situation you'd be happy to be able to do it as a trivial matter instead of as a major ordeal. Best to ask the experts building the stand if it's an option, and get their ideas/opinions ... I don't know at what threshold beyond which you don't want to consider a tank without a supporting pillar in the centre of the front frame. Just some idle thoughts.... HTH
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Old 03-27-2002, 04:19 AM
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Default Where do you think the cheapest place in Calgary would be to

Approx. $250 more for maple, I talked to him about the center post, it could be built without it or it could be built so that it could be removed & put back.

I'm in no big rush, but Danny did tell me he had 6 orders ahead., I want some pictures!, he is supposed to send me one done in Birch, still waiting.
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Old 03-27-2002, 01:01 PM
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Default Where do you think the cheapest place in Calgary would be to

Just a screwdriver and a hammer??? :eek:

:D ;)
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Old 08-23-2008, 04:42 AM
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I just had a 120g tank and Oak stand built by Red Coral Aquarium. It is beautiful and worth getting a quote.

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Old 08-24-2008, 02:40 AM
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I saw the pics on the RC website - that yours, the 120?

Why are you dredging up these old threads? FLASHBACK!!!!
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