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Old 02-05-2006, 08:21 PM
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Default Cured Live Rock

A have a rather basic question. Why do people cure a large quantities of live rock? I ask this question because it seems that any type of porous sedimentary rock that you cycle would accomplish the same thing.

So is there actually a scientific reason that everyone buys all this live rock? Is it aesthetic? Is it because there is a degree of likelihood that you are able to get unexpected beneficial organisms in your tank.

Why don't people just seed a small portion of their tank with live rock (even sand) and just use the aforementioned sedimentary rock?

Thanks for any responses.
75 gallon tank, 33 gallon sump
60 lbs Sand, 75 lbs live rock, Euro-Reef 6-2+, Poseidon PS3 return, 2 x 250W 13K Giesemann
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Old 02-05-2006, 08:39 PM
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Talking curing LR

Cause we like the smell :P
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Old 02-05-2006, 08:41 PM
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Can't answer for everyone, but I like live rock (and have paid loads of bucks hand picking it up here to prove it!) because I want my reef tanks to look like wild reefs, or as close to it as I can accomplish with my measly reefing skills.

Plus, I like the life that eventually emerges from the LR - different kinds of sponges, some really nice ornamental macroalgae, pods that scurry over the place, fan worms - so many lovely additions to my tanks However, I could do without aptasia (spotted a new one this morning that I have to vinegarize), that awful worm that slimed and killed my snails, and those dark, hairy crabs that I'm sure are up to no good

But the biggest advantage to LR is the many, many, MANY freaking ways it can be stacked into different aquascape designs LR has given me so many options in setting up my tank (not to mention backaches, headaches skin abrasions and a bit of a rash now and then) that when I get tired of one design, I just go back in in several months to improve the design flaws from my last attempt

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Old 02-06-2006, 12:09 AM
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When I first started went the 50/50 base and LR. Probably took a couple of years before the two types started looking comparable (coralline growth, sponges, etc.)
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Old 02-07-2006, 01:58 AM
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Originally Posted by prospero31
... Is it aesthetic? ...
Originally Posted by prospero31
... Is it because there is a degree of likelihood that you are able to get unexpected beneficial organisms in your tank. ...
More for the expected microorganisms, but alot of the unexpected organisms are pretty cool and beneficial.
Also, Live Rock isn't actually rock. It's dead coral rubble. Therefore it helps provide calcium, maintain pH, and (if I'm not mistaken) helps with the alkalinity too. (Still have to read up on the details, again, of all the chemistry of this hobby).


Last edited by Johnny Reefer; 02-07-2006 at 03:44 AM.
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Old 02-07-2006, 04:27 AM
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I had about 50/50 base and live rock....I like the look of the base mixed in...and it looks the same as the live rock now after about 8 months...can't really tell the difference except for the structure of each....
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