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Old 12-27-2005, 05:41 PM
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Default Shaw or Telus internet

Have Shaw now, no complaints but Telus is promoting the iPod nano.

What's the differance re: speed and access?
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Old 12-27-2005, 07:10 PM
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Originally Posted by mark
Have Shaw now, no complaints but Telus is promoting the iPod nano.

What's the differance re: speed and access?
just get telus then switch back a month after I have a friend who did that once when they were promoting a web cam if you signed up. Though maybe they have some contract now preventing you from leaving within a certain time frame..

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Old 12-27-2005, 07:21 PM
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Speed wise, depends on your neighbourhood... In some areas shaw is really slow, in others its pretty darned quick. Telus is about the same across the board...

When the cable connection is good, it will blow away the DSL. But on the down side, our area has some connectivity problems with shaw - the cable internet will just cut out for significant periods of time.

For my neck of the woods, the shaw connection is faster - but less reliable. I've got telus, my neighbours got shaw - and honestly we've setup our routers so we can both access either network; so if I'm doing a big download I can use his, if his connection is down he'll use mine.

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Old 12-27-2005, 07:25 PM
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Just a rant here, but don't these offers sometimes **** you off. A couple of months ago Canada trust was giving away a free Ipod for people who moved their accounts to them. I have been a loyal Canada Trust customer for 10 years holding saving, mortgage and loan accounts with them, why don't they throw me a FREE Ipod for all my continued business!!
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Old 12-27-2005, 07:38 PM
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Originally Posted by Bryan
Just a rant here, but don't these offers sometimes **** you off. A couple of months ago Canada trust was giving away a free Ipod for people who moved their accounts to them. I have been a loyal Canada Trust customer for 10 years holding saving, mortgage and loan accounts with them, why don't they throw me a FREE Ipod for all my continued business!!
Damn straight! Shaw offers their NEW customers free PPV's when you buy a digital cable terminal, I bought 3 at different times, I sure as hell didnt get any more free PPV's.

As fer the original question telus or shaw. One word... Union. Telus is THE worst telecommunications company in Canada. They treat their customers like garbage, and not to mention their employee's, which in turn creates even more distaste towards customer service. Just on ethics alone one should not ever use telus. Shaw does have better service on average... 5Mbit download and 1 MBit upload on their standard service. Telus is 1.5 Down and 640kbit up. IF your lucky.
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Old 12-27-2005, 11:40 PM
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i was with shaw and in woodbine it sucked it always disconnected me i have telus now and never havre problems
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Old 12-27-2005, 11:44 PM
Abbyreefer Abbyreefer is offline
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Bryan if you go in and complain to the bank manager and mention that you will move all of your business especially your mortgage I'm sure they will give you the Ipod.. But agree with you 100% I'm already with shaw and like Cable internet but find you'll never get the same deals as if you keep switching back and forth from cable to DSL.
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Old 12-28-2005, 12:52 AM
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i've never used telus.

and i've personally never had any noteable connections problems with shaw.

i'm sure there are people who have had both good and bad experiences with either provider. but i would think about which provider you think will provide you with better products and customer service.

keep in mind, to get the nano you will need to be on a 3yr contract. and will pay a hefty penalty [can you say, the price of a nano!] if you need to break that contract for any reason.
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Old 12-28-2005, 01:12 AM
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Telus sucks! I hate the company so much I even switched my phone to Shaw as well. Best part, (besides reliable service), $55 every month no matter how much I'm online or on the phone.
Yeah, well, you know, that's just, like, your opinion, man.
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Old 12-28-2005, 03:22 AM
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I've had Telus high speed for a number of years now, and the service has been great. I've had only two or three outages in that time. I originally chose ADSL because I had my computer in a location that would have been nearly impossible to run the cable to. I've had no reason to switch since, and a few months ago they gave me a free upgrade to the enhanced ADSL which gives me 2.5 mbs plus double the web space and a few other extras. Most of the time when I encounter slow downloads, it is due to the server on the other end, thus a faster cable connection would not improve the speed anyway. I don't do huge downloads, so no concern there either, and the speed I have is plenty fast for normal browsing.

Oh, and watch those voip phone services, they will never tell you unless you ask, but they do not provide full 911 service like a regular telephone connection. When you dial into 911, your phone number and address are automatically entered into the 911 computer system providing you are calling from a normal phone line. If you use a voip line, they probably will not get that information since the majority of those services have not bothered to try to provide that important feature, and in fact they have fought to delay having to provide it. Even a cell phone will at least provide a cell location and a phone number to 911. This data is important since it can speed the dispatch of emergency services, or if you are unable to give the operator the data they will have it all ready and be able to send help.

I'm in no way a cheerleader for Telus, I just like to compare apples to apples when I chose a service provider.
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