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Old 12-15-2005, 07:27 AM
asherah asherah is offline
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Default Help!

ok here's the story. 2 of my clownfish were removed from the main tank and placed into an enclosure that was still inside the main tank therefore still have stable water. It was a pump for flow through.
Anyway, these 2 were supposed to be brought back to the store tomororw.
Well I ended up removing the biggest fish because he was so mean to the littlest fish. Poor thing had it's fins all torn up.
But he is now showing little white dots. 3 on his tail. and 3 up by his head.
He is showing no other signs of ich. No scratching no irratic swimming and eating great.
What do I do ?? Should I still take him back to the guy who was going to give me credit for them ? He'd probably have a better chance there...I've never dealt with this. What about the rest of my fish??
Should I pick up some medicine tomorrow ?
Can I use the medicine I have leftover from my freshwater?
Thank you
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Old 12-15-2005, 07:45 AM
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Monitor your fish over the next few days to a week. If you decide to medicate do your homework on the type of treatment needed. Clown fish have an immunity to ich. not 100% but they are very hardy. What other critters do you have in your tank?
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Old 12-15-2005, 08:30 AM
asherah asherah is offline
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I have 2 more clowns, 1 green chromis, 30 cowrie, nassarius and cerith snails.
! small frag gsp, 1 small frag toadstool and 2 small frags zoos
that's it
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Old 12-15-2005, 09:40 AM
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Whatever you decide to do, research it. I cannot tell you what to do, but DO make a positive diagnosis before treating. THEN definitely do NOT treat using copper or antibiotic treatments anywhere near or in your tank with snails, crabs, corals, or any other inverts.

For starters, read up on methods of getting rid of parasites or infections that are chemical free, such as salinity adjustment, freshwater dips and raising or lowering temperature, being careful to administer ANY treatments slowly so as not to stress the fish any further. If he's still eating, a rest in a place free of someone constantly harrassing him could be all he needs to recover. Once they stop eating, my experience has been that there's not much you can do after that.
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Old 12-16-2005, 01:26 AM
asherah asherah is offline
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ok well I took him out of the main tank the holding box he was in needed cleaned anyway.
I was worried about because he was so stressed from before I took the meani out so I gave him a hypo treatment and he seems to be doing really well now. I can't even see spots on him anymore. =) Tough little guy.

No one else in the tank shows any signs either so i'm guessing it was because he was so stressed out the poor baby.

But i'm glad he's doing better I'd be really sad if he'd died =(

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