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Old 06-21-2002, 08:22 AM
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Just hooked up my solenoid to the RO filter. So now the system will auto top off straight from the faucet/RO setup.

Guess what?

I placed the drain in the sink, but left the sink plugged. So the sink filled up and water overflowed to the floor. Argh. It was like 1:00am in the morning and luckily, being sleepless without saying goodnight to my fishes, I walked into the room and water spurted up all over in between my toes.

Lesson learned. Never leave the sink plugged.

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Old 06-22-2002, 03:24 AM
Shadetree Shadetree is offline
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I thought that was missing from your EE description, checking for plugged sinks. :D

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Old 06-22-2002, 08:39 AM
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Seems to be part of the game Titus. Dont think we would be good aquarists, unless we could walk in a little saltwater at times.

Perhaps its the feel of walking on the beach. :D

Way back when, :D , I use to fill my buckets with a tap water purifier. Cant remember how many times I went out and left that running. :eek:
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Old 06-22-2002, 01:23 PM
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Way back when, , I use to fill my buckets with a tap water purifier. Cant remember how many times I went out and left that running.
<font size="2" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">Man, you know it. I betcha we did it ten times in the short period that we used one.

I run the waste water from my RO/DI into the holding tank on my toilette. The other night I got up to use the washroom and stepped in water. The waste water line had slipped out and flooded my bathroom and kitchen.
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Old 06-22-2002, 03:26 PM
BCReefer BCReefer is offline
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Thats the only way I ever get towash the floor in the bathroom. I know put a timmer on so it forces me to check on it.

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Old 06-22-2002, 03:39 PM
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Ask me how many times I've had my ass chewed by the wife when filling my 5gal bottles with RO/DI water? :eek:

I used to connect the RO/DI unit and fill a bottle on the floor next to the sink. Of course unless you are right there when the bottle is full, next thing you know there are 1-2 gallons of water all over the kitchen floor. Ooops.

Finally I got smart. Now I put the bottle right IN the sink when I fill em. Now if it happens to overflow, no big deal. Duh, why didn't I think of that 6 months ago? :rolleyes:
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Old 06-22-2002, 10:19 PM
terryp01 terryp01 is offline
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I make mine in the garage in 44 gallon trash cans, it is amazing how fash a 200 gpd RO unit can fill a 44 gallon trash can if you are not paying attention.

I cannot tell you the number of times I pull into the drive at night to see water running out of the garage, yep, forgot to turn off the water again.

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Old 06-22-2002, 10:45 PM
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Ha ya the reason for the solenoid and direct feed from the tap water faucet to the RO/DI is to prevent me from forgetting to turn off the TWP when filling a 33 gallon trash can.

However, I was planning to show my parents how it's supposed to work and had the product water line turned off, with the waste water line running to a plugged sink. Then, when I look at it again at the middle of the night, the solenoid was open trying to fill up the evaporated water but of course no water is filling because the product line was turned off. So the entire time, the waste water line was pumping water non stop at the plugged sink. What's worst. It is a 100gpd unit. Oh my. It is still wet today even though I've pulled up half of the carpet to suck dry the floor.

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Old 06-23-2002, 11:24 AM
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I now use a float switch in a 30 gal. tub, fed by the ro. A powerhead in the tub, feeds a float switch in my sump.

No floods yet, until the float switch jams that is. :eek:
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Old 06-24-2002, 01:48 AM
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Great stories everyone... there is just one thing I can add to this discussion.. the flooding you all are talking about seems to only affect you and your own floors, carpets, etc. We live on the sixth floor of a condo.. :eek:

Here's my dumba$$ story: I am late for work but decide I'd better fill my 5 gallon water jug with my RO/DI. Hook up the hose, throw it in the jug, (sitting on the kitchen floor of course) turn it on,and go to work...

I get a call from my gilfriend saying that the landlord has left a message on the answering machine about me leaving the water filter on and flooding my downstairs neigbours, and the neigbour is not impressed...

Sooo... lots of appologies and $400 later,(to re-drywall and paint the neigbours ceiling) I vow to never do THAT again!!

Oh, wait.. it gets better. :( :(

About three months later guess what... late for work, etc etc... you get the picture. Oh ya, another $400 too. :mad: , neigbour: :mad: :mad:

Soooo... now I sit and watch my 5g jug fill, only do it after work, and save my money for a down payment so I can flood my own house!!

This hobby really is expensive in lots of ways!!!!
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