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Old 12-01-2005, 04:32 AM
BCReefer BCReefer is offline
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Default I'm back after a 2 year vacation

Hi All,

Have not been around for a while since I had to get rid of my tank with my 2nd child. Well in 2 weeks I am moving into a bigger house and baby I get my salt water tank but this time I am going to a 70 – 100 gal tank.

Been waiting for almost 2 ½ years and I am very excited to be back.

Just a quick question if prices are near the same what would be the biggest difference between an 18” wide and a 24” wide tank (other than 6 “).

I am going to take my time and create my life dream tank.

If it ain\'t broke - give it to a reefer
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Old 12-01-2005, 06:01 AM
Dolf Dolf is offline
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I seem to remember you from way back- but I have you beat… I was away for nearly 5 years. Anyhow, welcome back. As to the question I would probably look in the for sale area to decide. From what I have seen the prices are pretty close to what they were when I left the hobby. Perhaps a little more, but overall I think the internet has kept the competition pretty honest. From what I can tell the biggest difference in the width is for a larger fish to turn. I was considering a Volitan before, but decided that in a narrower aquarium it would not allow for any other fish to pass safely and I would suspect that there are species that almost need the space after the rock was added. Good luck with your new set up.
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Old 12-01-2005, 06:50 AM
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getttin 24" is awesome for aquascaping. I personaly dont like tall tanks. if you can find that is 18" tall and 24" wide, thats would be best. easier to light, work in etc. Fish dont really care about how tall a tank is...they dont swim up, im sure the appreciate the extra 6" turning space. Wait awhile for the right tank to come along, dont jump at the first good deal...( i know its tempting)you should be looking at the 250$ and up, like you said take your time and have fun
135 gallon reef
corals:kenya tree,colts,blasto,gold toadstool,gps,zoo's,ricordea,elephants ear,rhodactis mushrooms,finger leather. 7 inch squamosa.

Livestock: powderblue tang,scopas tang,sailfin tang, blue tang, longnose hawkfish, coral beauty,2 clown fish,royal gramma,checkerboard wrasse, sixline wrasse.

soon to running 55 gallon refugium.
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Old 12-01-2005, 08:42 AM
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deacon hemp deacon hemp is offline
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I agree i own a fw 48x24x18 and it rocks,i wish i could convert it into a reef!
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