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Old 07-20-2005, 07:15 PM
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Default coldwater

I'd look into this little chiller. Might be perfect for you. Good price too.
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Old 07-20-2005, 07:22 PM
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Originally Posted by reef_raf
Also, you may want to investigate whether you are allowed to harvest any/all those creatures without at least a fishing license. I know when we collected in college, we needed permits for some stuff. And since you're posting "evidence" online.......
You can collect locally with only a fishing licence. Here's a copy of an old post of mine after I wrote the DFO.

Post subject: Cold Water Reef and Collecting locally


I remember a post awhile back about the legalities of collecting from local BC waters for home aquarium purposes. I was toying with the idea of setting up such a tank and am still concidering it. I wrote to the DFO (Department of Fisheries and Oceans) inquiring about if this was legal.

Here is a copy of their response.

Your inquiry regarding the collection of specimens for a home tide pool
aquarium has been brought to my attention.

You have indicated that you have a tidal water sport fishing licence and you
can certainly use it for this purpose. You may have received a sport
fishing guide at present with your licence. If not, I can mail you one. I
refer you to the species list and limits for finfish on pages 48/49, and for
shellfish on pages 60/62. For a tidal pool arrangement, I expect that most
of the finfish you are likely to collect will be species of sculpins or
eelpouts and blennies. As they are not specifically listed in the finfish
table, they come under the designation for all other species, which allows
for the daily catch limit of 20 specimens and a possession limit (in your
tank) of 40 specimens. Similar daily and possession limits apply to
shellfish species, with more generous limits listed individually for some
types of intertidal specimens such as limpets.

One word of caution about collecting bivalves - they may not be collected
from areas closed for bacteriological contamination or red tide
contamination. Check with the local DFO office for the area where you will
be collecting to find out where these restrictions are in effect. A partial
list of closures is also available in the back of the sports fish guide, and
on the web at:

If you would like me to send you a copy of the sports fish guide, please
return your postal address by e-mail. Thank you,

Jim Morrison
Resource Management Biologist - Invertebrate Biologiste en Gestion des
Pêches, Invertebres
Fisheries and Oceans Canada, South Coast Area Pêches et Océans Canada,
Secteur de la Côte Sud
3225 Stephenson Pt. Rd. 3225 rue Stephenson Pt.
Nanaimo, B.C. V9T 1K3 Nanaimo, (C.-B.) V9T 1K3
Phone: (250) 756-7233 Téléphone (250) 756-7233
Fax: (250) 756-7162 Télécopieur: (250) 756-7162
Email: Courriel:
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Old 07-20-2005, 07:31 PM
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Dont worry guys, my boyfriend and I went out and bought a fishing liscene the other day. It covers most things i'll be taking from the water, and even if they arent listed Im sure having the permit will cover my bum .

That AquaMedic Titan 150 apparently only chills to room temperature, so its not going to be adaquate. I'm in the market for a chiller, and until then I'll only be taking tidepool stuff that can withstand higher temps. Space is an issue as it needs to fit in the stand, and also needs to be quiet as its in my bedroom! Ah well, I'll find something eventually... hopefully by the end of summer. My friend's dad builds chillers so I might be able to get him to custom one for me.

Yeah I havent tested my water in there yet but I will. I figured it was pointless testing the first day I put the water in since that didnt give much time for the cycle to show.

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Old 07-20-2005, 07:32 PM
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chiller and quiet is an oxymoron.
Given sufficient thrust pigs will fly just fine.

90 Gallon LPS tank - Challice, Acans, Favia, Diplo and Zoos
125 Gallon SPS Coming Soon!
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Old 07-20-2005, 07:43 PM
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Buy a reeeaaaallly long line of tubing, hook it up to a maxi-jet 1200, run it to your freezer, make a large coil in your freezer, and run it back to the tank! Hahaha, otherwise, looks intriguing! Good luck!

No more tanks - Laying off the ReefCrack for awhile!
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Old 07-20-2005, 07:45 PM
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Should get some of those Perch... feather dusters etc from the docks... they flash really pretty
Visit the Vancouver-based Reef Network at
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Old 07-20-2005, 08:20 PM
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Buy a reeeaaaallly long line of tubing, hook it up to a maxi-jet 1200, run it to your freezer, make a large coil in your freezer, and run it back to the tank!
How would you close the door without cutting off the water flow ?,(you would have to drill two holes in the fridge).
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Old 07-20-2005, 08:29 PM
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Tidal pool critters are used to temp swings. At low tide the pools heat up and when the tide comes in they are hit with the cold right?

So why not use a feezer pack in your filter? Have 2 on hand, one in freezer and the other in the filter. It wouldn't drop the temp too much, but it would on a small level semi re create the natural temp swings of a tidal pool.

Might help until you get a chiller running. But then again, I could be way out to lunch here.
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Old 07-20-2005, 08:44 PM
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Ive thought about the ice pack idea, but have also read its a bad idea cus its not consistent. But your right, tide pool creatuers are used to drastic temp changes. Im sure it would have to be fairly regular. If my temp gets above 75 I will definately have to do something about it.

Eventually Im hopeing for an array of stuff in there. Feather dusters, anenomes, gobies and shrimp! There are so many possibilities!

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Old 07-20-2005, 08:59 PM
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No chiller = fish and invert death
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