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Old 06-03-2005, 12:21 AM
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Originally Posted by reef_raf

As I said, instead of "bad" reviews, we'll look for constructive criticism. You can post your unhappy thoughts, but without anger or attitude.
Sorry used the wrong wording there, I understand what you are saying
Old 06-03-2005, 12:47 AM
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thats an A+ idea
Old 06-03-2005, 12:49 AM
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I am another that is glad the vendor rating forum is gone. and I applode Titus' desision to remove it as it was getting out of hand and out of control. there is a lot of "where should I buy" posts in other places on the board and they can be found with a simple search.

the main problem was that the vendor rating turned into a brawling match of you said I said and other junk that has no place on the board. "Other" board have also severally restricted there vendor rating sections also to the point if there is anything that could be considered slander ect the post is deleted entirely. SO with that going on what use is the section if entire posts get deleted for one persons comments.

If you want to know a good place to go or one to stay away from in Calgary simply go to the Calgary area and post "could some one tell me good places to shop in Calgary for seahorses ect.." or "could some one PM me on which places I should stay away from in Calgary"

the problem is like it has Bean stated is this is a private board and Titus is footing the bill. he tries to offset that by getting advertising and sponsors. what company in there right mind would advertise on or sponsor a board that lets the members slander them?? doesn't make good business sense now does it. Bottom line this is a private board where you have to applie for a membership not a e-mail group and we have to abide by the terms and conditions set by the owner, Titus. If we don't like them we are free to go else where and slam companies.

*everything said above is just my opinion, and may or may not reflect the views of this BBS, its Operators, and its Members. If cornered on any “opinion” I post I will totally deny having ever said this in a Court of Law…Unless I am the right one*

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Old 06-03-2005, 01:09 AM
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jeez steve, get that spell checker online
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Old 06-03-2005, 07:18 AM
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Originally Posted by Doug
Originally Posted by Tarolisol
Threats of legal action, thats rediculus. Its called free speach. This forum is becoming severly censored.
I disagree with that. I have seen it happen on other boards. The worse problem is, I, for one am not a lawyer. I dont know where the boundry is crossed, regardless of what some aquarists think is free speech.

Its me, as a staff member and Titus, as the boards owner, whose arse is on the line. I do this moderating crap, to try help out the board, as an aquarium information board, not to be a referee in these matters. Esp. where I dont know where the line is. Thats the worse problem.

Perhaps if someone else, that has a law degree and can handle these matters when they arise, they would be better as a moderator and I can step down.

My experience and skill, is in the keeping of reef aquariums. Period.
I for one welcome anyone to try and sue me for my words Ive said on this board or any other part of my life, You can not be sued unless you are promoting hate, as in racial not commercial.

That being said i really have had no use for the Vender ratings i barly ever ventured into that forum let alone posted. But my earlier statment stands. This is getting quite censored. It may be due to a few people stiring the pot but maybe we should deal with the individual people and not lock every topic opened.

Back in the good ole days
Old 06-03-2005, 12:56 PM
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Originally Posted by Tarolisol
I for one welcome anyone to try and sue me for my words Ive said on this board or any other part of my life, You can not be sued unless you are promoting hate, as in racial not commercial.

nice try but wrong, there were 23 people sued for libel about some pet company in the US based on a few statements on either a board or forum. the board owner got fined for letting it persist, and each individual person ended up either settling out of court for thousands each or losing in court. all the company has to do is prove your remarks were false and they had a negative impact on there business.

*everything said above is just my opinion, and may or may not reflect the views of this BBS, its Operators, and its Members. If cornered on any “opinion” I post I will totally deny having ever said this in a Court of Law…Unless I am the right one*

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Old 06-03-2005, 02:37 PM
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Old 06-03-2005, 04:02 PM
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I have watched this non sense going on long enough. I was the one who closed the other thread in question because people were discussing about off topic stuff on the last post. Here are what I have to say:

1) I dislike Vendor Rating Forum because it caused moderators more trouble than what it is worth.
2) I put the forum away for a number of reasons, not simply because of trying to attract sponsorship.
3) I do not like to see people challenging the Staff about decisions we make as we listen to all ideas, comments, and suggestions, then discuss amongst ourselves what best to do. We have provided more than ample explanations in the past. Challeging the Staff to me doesn't mean much respect and I'd like to see you banned as you are using my web traffic here not to discuss about reef topics.
4) You can call it censorship if you want. You can call me names in your home if you want. I don't care. But on here this is my space and I lay out my rules. If I want Canreef to be solely for discussions of all reef topics with no buy and sell, no product review, no vendor rating, no local club, I can certainly steer the board that way. I can do whatever I want here, and I welcome you to participate to the extent of the boundaries set out. No more. In this case, I do not want Vendor Rating Forum.
5) Yes there are a few people who wants to see the Vendor Rating Forum but there are also quite a few people who do not want to see it.
6) With regards to legal issues, if you do not understand this, then I suggest you go home and do something else. I do not want to see my server wasting CPU cycles on you discussing this.
7) For the web traffic, we were over limits as of the month of June after migrating server. Again, go home and stay away if you don't believe in it and want to challenge us on this matter. No incentive for me to waste my bandwidth to discuss this with you.
8) I consider this to be more than enough to serve those with common senses. There will be bannings with no warnings from the Staff as we see fit.

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