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Old 05-19-2005, 01:54 AM
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Default Aquariumgirl's Nano (not just a reefing thread!!)

Hey CanReefers, I'm planning on setting up a five gallon nano. Does anyone have any recommondations for inverts and fish for this tank (Possibly something different then what I have in my pico)? I will also be putting in an AquaClear 300 or 500 with a small skimmer.

Last edited by aquariumgirl; 01-07-2006 at 07:49 AM.
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Old 05-19-2005, 02:53 AM
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I absolutely love sexy shrimp.. A nano of that size would be ideal for viewing them, too.
If you're going for a sand bed, nassarius snails will be sure to show up well despite their small size and it's always fun to watch them pop up during feeding time.

Fishwise there aren't many fish I'm comfortable putting in a tank that small. Clown gobies are about the only fish that seem like a good idea to me. I'm half tempted to try a clown in anemones in my nano (it's 5G as well) but if she doesn't host then that's not much room to pace back and forth.
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Old 05-19-2005, 04:23 AM
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Hey Rikko, I'll definitely have sexy shrimp in the five gallon (I also have them in my pico tank too, they are fun to watch ). I was also thinking of a blue legged hermit crab, what do you think of them in a small tank? Do you have a picture of your tank, I'd like to see what other invertebrates such as corals, polyps and so on?
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Old 05-20-2005, 04:42 PM
BCOrchidGuy BCOrchidGuy is offline
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Blue legged hermit crabs are fun to watch. I personally always like to watch cleaner shrimp though, especially if you have two. You'll end up with larvae in the rock etc and they are inturn wonderful food for your corals. I'm not sure why you'd put a skimmer on a 5 Gallon tank though but hey, we all do things different don't we.

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Old 05-20-2005, 06:44 PM
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The tank itself is pretty new, so not much in there yet. My stocklist changes daily with plans and opportunities.
At the moment I just have a couple of orphaned bubble-tip anemones, so I'm going to have to see how mobile they are before I chance adding any corals. I'm getting a new camera delivered in the next few days so I'll snap a bunch of pics then.

I think hermits would be fine - I just wouldn't add them because I have an intense distrust of all crabs. I have a single Marshall Island blue leg hermit in my 65 that I watch very closely and fortunately my bicolor blenny keeps him in line.

Coralwise I would probably suggest something small, so that your small tank encourages you to see the details. Corals like small zoos and candy canes or hammers have interesting details when you watch them very closely.. I always feel like you don't "see" them as much in a huge tank.
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Old 05-28-2005, 06:55 AM
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Thanks for the reply rikko and BCOG! and the advice. Right now I'm still putting a few things together, getting ready to start the nano. I'm thinking of getting a very small frogspawn, some zoos, a small pineapple brain, mushrooms, cloves and I think that is all on my list of corals. What do you think of this? I've put 2 20watt CF.

I had a candy cane but my sexy shrimp kept munching on it I brought him back to recouperate!

However, I was thinking of putting a yellowhead jawfish and a fire goby
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Old 05-28-2005, 07:59 AM
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Corals sound fine! Frogspawns can expand pretty huge so be sure to give it a wide berth from all the others - wouldn't want 'em stinging one another.
I think both of those fish are out.. The firefish would be pretty cramped in there (they're around 3-4" adult and while they aren't big continuous swimmers, a 5G wouldn't afford him much). The jawfish should really have a deeper sand bed as well to burrow into - some appear to use caves but all the literature always insists on 4" of sand (shrug). Beyond that, both of those fish are notorious jumpers so unless you had the top absolutely bulletproof, you'd probably find one on the floor before too long.
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Old 06-01-2005, 07:55 AM
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Thanks Rikko, do you have any recommondations for fish that I could put in the tank? I would like to have at least one fish that will swim around in the open.
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Old 06-01-2005, 08:35 AM
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There are some small dottyback species that might be alright, but they do tend to pick on crustaceans.
The only other fish I can really think of that might be out a little more would be a smaller blenny species - but even they would probably have to get moved out after some time. Maybe not a huge deal though - if you can find a tiny bicolour blenny (hands down my favourite marine fish) you could probably have him several months before he starts getting to a size where you'd want to find him a bigger home. Then you could start again or find another species (like so many people do with goldfish).
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Old 06-10-2005, 06:39 AM
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Thanks Rikko!

Here are some pictures of the five gallon, I think I'll fill it tomorrow, yahoo!!

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