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Old 03-05-2005, 02:19 PM
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Default Visiting Vancouver

Hello everyone!
Well, my company wants to send me to Vancouver from April 4 to April 5th. So I was wondering if anyone needs anything from J&L in Burnaby since I was thinking of visiting them and bringing back a box of stuff (whatever WestJet will allow me to bring back I suppose).

I just have a couple of books, perhaps a solenoid (if they have one), and cleaning crew for my 90g that I would like to get from there myself.

If someone has anything they would like me to bring back from there, just let me know so I can make a list. Also maybe call them up and see if they will have it or if they can order it for you. Although if you need to order anything you may want to wait another week or two until I can get a definite confirmation of the trip from my company.

Just wanted to let people know a bit in advance.
Imran, in Edmonton/Ardrossan, AB

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Old 03-05-2005, 03:40 PM
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Keep us posted on that confirmation, I'm thinking about ordering a jawfish from them... hopefully they'll have something by the time you get there.


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Old 03-05-2005, 03:44 PM
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Oh Imran, you shouldn't have mentioned anything. Can you maybe bring 700lbs of liverock back? J/K!

Seriously though, if you are game with bringing back livestock, I may pick up a piece or two as well. And maybe a book?
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Old 03-06-2005, 04:09 AM
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Originally Posted by newguy
Oh Imran, you shouldn't have mentioned anything. Can you maybe bring 700lbs of liverock back? J/K!

Seriously though, if you are game with bringing back livestock, I may pick up a piece or two as well. And maybe a book?
Heheh.. well.. I've been a bit lazy and didn't call WestJet up to ask what limitations they have on checking-in a box of live fish/etc. into their fragile area. Should get on that soon. And sure.. I don't mind picking up livestock. Good thing is, it will be in transit a minimum amount of time this way.

Yeah, I know it's still just under 4 weeks away. I just wanted to give people a reasonable notice to figure things out if interested.
Imran, in Edmonton/Ardrossan, AB

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Old 03-10-2005, 03:03 AM
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Default Confirmation!

Alright.. I can now confirm that I will be visiting Vancouver. Leaving Edmonton on the night of Sunday, April 3rd, and arriving back on the night of Tuesday, April 5th.

I called WestJet and apparently they don't allow fish/inverts. Strange thing is, they DO seem to allow coral. Hmm... so I guess if anyone wants any drygoods from J&L or coral.. let me know.
Imran, in Edmonton/Ardrossan, AB

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Old 03-10-2005, 03:30 AM
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Its time to put together a group order of 2 tons of salt!

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