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Old 01-10-2023, 11:11 PM
Animal-Chin Animal-Chin is offline
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Default Needing to shut down the tank - all livestock

I have a Redsea 170 packed full of softies, LPS and SPS coral that I need to shut down for a Reno being done at my place. I'd love to try and sell it all as a package so I'm seeing if anyone wants the whole thing. Fish, coral inverts and rock. Includes...


Blue Tang 3 inches
2 mocha storm clowns
Yellow Wrasse
Pink Wrasse
Orange back Wrasse
Firefish goby
Cleaner shrimp

Huge show piece Space Invader. Pectina
2 Forest Fire Digi colonies
1 big setosa colony
4 hammer colonies, green/purple, purple, florescent green and a big yellow
1 large torch coral on a suction cup that can stick to the wall of your tank (very cool)
2 SPS colonies of the tenuous variety
1 bubble coral (mini polyps)
1 duncan colony
1 grafted red/green Monti colony
3 bta's
Some very rare mushrooms (bright yellow and Pink/green)
2 iron man mushrooms
2 rocks of super man mushrooms
1 yellow/brown plate coral
1 green slimer spa
2 types of gorgonian
1 large green finger leather
2 Favia coral (war and dragon soul)
hundreds of zoos (eagle eyes, gatoraids, pink hippos, etc)

The tank is florishing and totally stable, been running since 2019 and a lot of the coral has been around since then. I'd be happy to send you lots of pics or videos.
Everything is encrusted to rock so the Live rock is part of the deal. I have zero aptasia or algae. No hair or bryopsis, this tank has been babied and its killing me to take it down but I have to be out of the house for at least 3 weeks they say so I figured I'd sell and start over some day lol.

located in Maple Ridge, asking $1700 for everything in the tank. 604-250-2776
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Old 01-10-2023, 11:21 PM
Animal-Chin Animal-Chin is offline
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Let’s see if this works cause I can’t upload pics lol
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Old 01-11-2023, 08:06 PM
Animal-Chin Animal-Chin is offline
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Hi everyone, i'm currently trying to sell everything as a package and not wanting to part out at the moment. I understand some of you just want certain things and if i decide to sell separate i will start a thread with individual prices for each fish and coral. Please don't send me PMs or texts for just one or two items as i'm not responding to them at the moment. Thanks.
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Old 01-17-2023, 08:23 PM
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oyf709 oyf709 is offline
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very nice looking tank and coral. Too bad my tank is not set up for SPS, I would of consider to take over the entire package after my restart from last tank crush.

Good luck with your sale and reno.
~* <3 NEMO <3 *~
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