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Old 12-17-2020, 06:56 PM
Dresden Dresden is offline
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Default Upgrade NanoCube28g to RSM250 - Aquascape Question/Feedback

Hi Everyone,

Like the title says, I'll be upgrading from a NanoCube 28g to a RSM c250 soon. I'm been thinking a lot of how I want to do the aquascape and stressing about dismantling my current aquascape.

Last night the idea came to me to just epoxy and glue the current scape as a single piece (or as a few large sections and place it in the left side of the new tank. I have some old live rocks and a piece Marcos rock I will build out a scape on the right side.

Anything I should consider?

Couple pic for reference

Few more details:
- Tank has been running for 8+ years (Transferred from a RSM-130 that suddenly cracked after 4 years)
- Kessil 360aw (harsh shadows)
- 2 x Osc Clowns
- 1 Sand Sifting Goby
- 1 Violet Damsel (Ordered a Blue Yellow-Tail Damse..l oh well)
- 2 Cleaner Shrimp
- 1 Red Urchin

Likely to add in the future:
- Tailspot Blenny
- Coris Wrasse/Fairy Wrasse
- Open to suggestions

Regarding the small cubes:
I have a frogspawn (4 heads) who were involved in both polyp bailed and/or were involved in a siphoning accident about 9 months ago. They have been doing well but very slowly to regrowing their coral skeletons.
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Old 12-17-2020, 09:21 PM
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If you can afford the time and want to avoid any cycling in-tank, plus that 8-year-old rock may need a cleaning;

After using the epoxy, cure it for a day or 2 in a tub/bucket with a heater and powerhead. This way you don't get any stray epoxy in your tank/on your equipment.
This will also give you the opportunity to test the water for any undesirable levels of phosphates, and you can give the rock a decent 'swish' to remove any detritus when it comes out of the tub/bucket.
If it has high PO4 now's the time to deal with it, and if you do the below, you can use that new rock to support your new tank while you deal with the old rock.

Make the additional structure and place it in a tub/bucket with a heater and powerhead.
After the epoxy is cured, change the water if there's epoxy residue.
Now add enough pure household ammonia to raise it to about 5-6ppm.
Wait for it to drop near zero (probably a week) and start testing Nitrites.
Keep dosing NH3 to about 1-2ppm.
During the next couple weeks, NO2 will go out of your test kit range. Once NO2 starts to drop you're almost there.
Keep NH3 about 1-2ppm until after about 3-4 weeks it can process 1-2ppm NH3 daily with no residual NO2 results; ie you don't have any NH3 or NO2 test results 8-24 hours after adding the liquid NH3.
Then give it a good rinse in clean SW to remove what will be a huge level of NO3, place it in clean water for 1-2 days and test NO3. If it's staying low, it's ready to add to your tank cycle-free, and now it'll support your new tank if you need to deal with the original rock.
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Old 12-17-2020, 09:27 PM
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My recommendations won't help you avoid inevitable diatom or other similar issues, but it will ensure you have no losses due to a cycle
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Old 12-17-2020, 09:43 PM
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Something such as this
Just ensure the contents of whatever you buy is only ammonia and water.
Absolutely nothing else.
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Old 12-17-2020, 11:08 PM
Dresden Dresden is offline
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Thanks for the advice. I'll be limited on time but I can probably keep both tanks running for about 2 weeks in parallel before taking down the NanoCube 28g. This should hopefully help keep everything steady and stabile.

Also thanks for the term "mulm". In past I had spent some time trying to identify the grey curtains of dust that build up on or under rocks.
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Old 12-17-2020, 11:35 PM
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Just to clarify, you don't need to keep both tanks running parallel with my suggestions. You can do a one-day transfer if you;

Cycle the new rock in the tub and complete the probably 4 week cycle.
At this point you can start the new tank with the newly cycled rock.

Then you can deal with the old tank and rock at your leisure.
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