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Old 01-10-2020, 09:33 PM
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Default More LPS! Duncans, Torch, Hammer and Fancy Montis!!

I have a few nice pieces of LPS available:

Purple and Green Duncan Colonies
Lots of heads on these beautiful small colonies!

medium - Low light, Medium-low flow

2 colonies:
8+ heads: $40
10+ heads: $50

WYSIWYG - Both colonies together:

Gold Hammer
Dark Stalks and Gold tips on these amazing frags:

medium light, Medium flow

Only a few frags available:
1 Head - $30 each two frags available
2 Heads - $55 [b] One frag available, pictured below

WYSIWYG (2 headed frag):

Bright Green Hammer
Only one frag available of this bright green, 2 headed frag

medium - Low light, Medium-low flow

Only one, two large headed frag available - $40

WYSIWYG May develop into a splatter hammer as a few tips have it:

Purple with Green tip Torch
Super healthy, big heads that are growing fast:

medium - Low light, Medium-low flow

Most heads are large and in the process of splitting. Price depends on how far a long they are in the split:
1 large head with an early split - $30
1 large splitting head with a second, non splitting standard head - $50
2 large heads with an early split - $55

WYSIWYG Mother Colony:

Here are some awesome monti's:
Mystique Monti
A beautiful encrusting monti with bright blue polyps on a green base!

medium light, Medium flow

4 Frags are available - $20 per frag


Reeftech Monti
A beautiful orange plating monti with yellow polyps!

medium light, Medium flow

Frags will be fresh cut and will be Toonie size or bigger - $40 per frag


Reef Raft Nauti Spiral
Another beauty! This encrusting / Plating monti is a mix of orange, pink and soft red.

medium light, Medium flow

Frags will be fresh cut and will be Toonie size or bigger - $40 per frag


Red Roses
A rare plating monti with Red polyps on a dark purple base

medium light, Medium flow

Frags will be fresh cut and will be Toonie size or bigger - $30 per frag

Mother (not quite as purple as pictured):

Thanks for looking, lots more available!

Shipping via Westjet for out of towners!

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Old 01-11-2020, 02:24 AM
ayiaudio ayiaudio is offline
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pm'd Thanks
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Old 01-11-2020, 04:05 PM
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Here is a quick update and a clarification on what is available on the purple torch (it has been very popular):

Purple and Green Duncan Colonies
2 colonies:
8+ heads: $40 Pending
10+ heads: $50

Gold Hammer
Only a few frags available:
1 Head - $30 each two frags available (One head Pending)
2 Heads - $55 [b] One frag available, pictured below

Bright Green Hammer
Only one, two large headed frag available - $40

Purple with Green tip Torch
2x One large head with an early split - $30 BOTH Pending
2x Two standard head frags - $50
There are a few more, but I'll have to see what kins of frags I can make.

Mystique Monti
4 Frags are available - $20 per frag (One pending)

Reeftech Monti
Frags will be fresh cut and will be Toonie size or bigger - $40 per frag

Reef Raft Nauti Spiral
Frags will be fresh cut and will be Toonie size or bigger - $40 per frag

Red Roses
Frags will be fresh cut and will be Toonie size or bigger - $30 per frag

Always lots more that I haven't listed, so come on by and check out the tanks. Always lots to look at.

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Old 01-16-2020, 06:25 AM
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Bought lots from KPG, always awesome stuff!
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Old 01-31-2020, 05:19 PM
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Quick update:

Branching Splatter Hammer
Lots of big heads on this one!

medium - Low light, Medium-low flow

$25 per head
$60 for 3 heads

WYSIWYG - Similar to this one:

Gold Hammer
Dark Stalks and Gold tips on these amazing frags:

medium light, Medium flow

Only a few frags available:
1 Head - $30 each one frag available
2 Heads - $55 [b] One frag available, pictured below

WYSIWYG (2 headed frag):

Bright Green Hammer
Only one frag available of this bright green, 2 headed frag

medium - Low light, Medium-low flow

Only one, two large headed frag available - $40

WYSIWYG May develop into a splatter hammer as a few tips have it:

Purple with Green tip Torch
Super healthy, big heads that are growing fast:

medium - Low light, Medium-low flow

Had a no show, so I still have one frag available:
1 frag with 2 heads - $50

WYSIWYG Mother Colony:

Green / Purple Tip Frogspawn
Beautiful piece and a great addition to any tank.

medium - Low light, Medium-low flow

Not sure how many frags can be made up, but prices will be roughly:
$20 per head
$50 for 3 heads

Similar to this one:

Bright Green Octospawn
I haven't seen many octospawns this nice

medium - Low light, Medium-low flow

Not sure how many frags can be made up, but prices will be roughly:
$20 per head
$50 for 3 heads

Like this:

Here are some awesome monti's:
Mystique Monti
A beautiful encrusting monti with bright blue polyps on a green base!

medium light, Medium flow

4 Frags are available - $20 per frag


Reeftech Monti
A beautiful orange plating monti with yellow polyps!

medium light, Medium flow

Frags will be fresh cut and will be Toonie size or bigger - $40 per frag


Reef Raft Nauti Spiral
Another beauty! This encrusting / Plating monti is a mix of orange, pink and soft red.

medium light, Medium flow

Frags will be fresh cut and will be Toonie size or bigger - $40 per frag


Red Roses
A rare plating monti with Red polyps on a dark purple base

medium light, Medium flow

Frags will be fresh cut and will be Toonie size or bigger - $30 per frag

Mother (not quite as purple as pictured):

Thanks for looking, lots more available!

Shipping via Westjet for out of towners!

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Old 03-06-2020, 03:55 PM
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I haven't had time to get a new post together, so I'll bump this one

I still have a frag or two of everything from my last post, except for the Octospawn, that one is sold out.

I'm around this weekend if you want to come by.

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Old 03-07-2020, 03:58 PM
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Just a reminder that

Bright Green Octospawn
Purple and Green Duncan Colonies

and now:

Purple with Green tip Torch


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Old 03-20-2020, 05:51 AM
Hchencamp Hchencamp is offline
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What do you have left?

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Old 03-20-2020, 04:09 PM
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Originally Posted by Hchencamp View Post
What do you have left?

Still a few frags available of:

Branching Splatter Hammer

$25 per head
$60 for 3 heads

Gold Hammer

Only a few frags available:
1 Head - $30 each one frag available
2 Heads - $55 One frag available

Bright Green Hammer

Only one, two large headed frag available - $40

Green / Purple Tip Frogspawn

Not sure how many frags can be made up, but prices will be roughly:
$20 per head
$50 for 3 heads

Here are some awesome monti's:

Reeftech Monti

Frags will be fresh cut and will be Toonie size or bigger - $40 per frag

Reef Raft Nauti Spiral

Frags will be fresh cut and will be Toonie size or bigger - $40 per frag

Red Roses

Frags will be fresh cut and will be Toonie size or bigger - $30 per frag

Thanks for looking, lots more available!

Shipping via Westjet for out of towners!

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Old 03-22-2020, 08:17 AM
Hchencamp Hchencamp is offline
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Sounds good. Pls text me 604-916-1494. Interested in the red roses, and maybe some others.
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