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Old 12-05-2019, 05:48 PM
mikeclarke mikeclarke is offline
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Talking New Tank!

I've just moved to a new house and transferred what was in my 6' long 100 gallon take to a 5' long x 2.5' wide x 2' deep 170 gallon tank!

I have a Starry Blenny, and two clowns, and a bunch of LPS and soft corals. They were cramped into a 65 gallon and a 20 gallon over the last year while we've been renting.

Any suggestions to fill the tank up with more fish?? I might get back into the SPS game once I get settled. I definitely want to get some tangs and a Fox Face.

I've been salt water keeping since 2011, reef keeping since 2012 and have moderate experience.

Thanks all in advance!

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Old 12-05-2019, 07:20 PM
cvrle1 cvrle1 is offline
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Congrats on the upgrade. Interesting that you went from 6 foot long to 5 foot long. Usually it is the other way around haha. I cant offer anything in regards to fish, but my understanding is that other than total size of the tank, length is also important. As an example quite few tangs require longer tanks to swim in, so the longer, the better.

Not saying you cant keep tangs for sure, just because it is a 5 footer, but just something to throw out there.
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Old 12-13-2019, 12:57 PM
mikeclarke mikeclarke is offline
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Thanks, yeah I didn't want to go crazy big by having the extra foot. 170gal is already big enough. What I really wanted was a wider tank so that it makes aquascaping easier and that I get more "depth" of the view for coral placement.
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Old 12-13-2019, 02:56 PM
kyl kyl is offline
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Quite a few options there, I'm a fan of more smaller than a few larger fish. If I can eventually get to a larger tank, a small group of anthias will definitely be one of my top stocking priorities.
  • A smaller bristletooth tang like a Tomini (Ctenochaetus tominiensis)
  • Midas blenny (Ecsenius midas) should be compatible with the starry, it's a planktivore and will swim with anthias
  • 3 or 5 smaller, more peaceful anthias like Randals (Pseudanthias randalli) or Dispar (Pseudanthias dispar)
  • Flasher wrasse, like carpenters, yellow-fin
  • Fairy wrasse (some soft restrictions on mixing depending on the type, never two of the same species)
  • Halichoeres wrasse (if not bare-bottom) like yellow coris (chrysus), or red-lined (biocellatus). Those two stay smaller ~4", and won't destroy your clean up crew.
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