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Old 09-10-2017, 05:22 AM
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Default Fish list and qt questions

Here is what I'm currently thinking for my new tank. Looking for comments on fish listed, order to add and anything I haven't thought of!

Midas blenny
Purple tilefish
White Tail Bristletooth or similar Ctenochaetus
Copperband butterfly
Hawkfish (type?) flame, long nose, geometric pygmy or falco
Clown (type?) gold stripe maroon, lightning maroon, Darwin or Picasso (if I do either maroon it will be a single fish others I would go for a pair)
Angel (type?) African flameback, lemonpeel, eible, flame or rusty (pick two)
Male lyretail
Wrasse (type?) mystery, leopard, Banana (looking for two or three total and open to suggestions)

I'll be adding my cuc to the main display once cycle is complete. Planning on leaving it fallow for 76 days following.

Qt procedure will start with ttm method using 2 x 10 gallon tanks. Bubble filter, heater, ammonia badge and pvc for hiding spots.

Prazipro during ttm.

After ttm move to a grow out tank. Will a 20 long work or should I go bigger. I won't have many fish in grow out at once as I'm planning on only doing one fish at a time unless I get a clown pair.

Anything else I've missed?

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Old 09-10-2017, 06:45 AM
kyl kyl is offline
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A 20 long for observation following TTM is good too. It will allow you to observe for velvet and things like brooklynella, internal parasites (white or stringy poo), bacterial infections, etc.
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Old 09-10-2017, 06:02 PM
albert_dao albert_dao is offline
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Qt'ing in 10 gallon tanks is an exercise in futility with some of those fish (CBB, tilefish, tang, wrasses), tank transfer or otherwise. Jump up to a 20-30, get an aquaclear, get some medications on top of prazi. I'd recommend stocking kanaplex, furan, chloroquin phosphate and/or copper.

I also prefer broken terra cotta flower pots to PVC pipes, they don't roll around and freak fish out.
This and that.
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Old 09-10-2017, 08:40 PM
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Originally Posted by albert_dao View Post
Qt'ing in 10 gallon tanks is an exercise in futility with some of those fish (CBB, tilefish, tang, wrasses), tank transfer or otherwise. Jump up to a 20-30, get an aquaclear, get some medications on top of prazi. I'd recommend stocking kanaplex, furan, chloroquin phosphate and/or copper.

I also prefer broken terra cotta flower pots to PVC pipes, they don't roll around and freak fish out.
Agreed. 10 gallons is too small for most of those fish.
~ Mindy

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Old 09-10-2017, 09:49 PM
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Thanks for the comments. Going from a 10 to a 20 has some cons for me.

-I already have some spare 10s
-not as easy to manipulate full tanks
-salt useage doubles
-more room, more stuff to store

Given ttm is quite time consuming as is would a bigger tank (let's say a 30 or 40) with copper right off the bat be an easier solution? Concerns with doing multiple fish at a time? Would one still want to qt for a month+ if using copper?

As for the other meds are these to be used as required or is there a standard regiment. Assuming most can't be used together is a full water change required? If so the salt usage con is irrelevant.

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Old 09-11-2017, 12:35 AM
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"You already have them." Should never be a reason for having a QT that is too small imo. I don't think a 10-gallon tank is acceptable for many fish -some gobies, cardinals maybe, Chromis, damsels. That sort of thing.

This is my typical regimen:

40 gallon tank w/ Aquaclear hob filter and powerhead.
Day 1 add fish
Day 3 dose Prazi pro if fish are doing well
Day 8 dose Prazi pro
Day 10 25% waterchange, then add 1/4 dose Copper Safe
Day 11 1/4 dose Copper Safe
Day 12 1/4 dose Copper Safe
Day 13 1/4 dose Copper Safe
Day 14-28 test copper and dose if needed
Day 29 50% waterchange and add carbon
Day 35 if no signs of disease fish go in display

Best practises are to treat with copper for 30 days, I do 14, sometimes a bit more if I see anything suspicious at any point.
~ Mindy

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Last edited by Myka; 09-11-2017 at 12:40 AM.
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Old 09-11-2017, 04:46 AM
albert_dao albert_dao is offline
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You could always just skip the TTM and do a normal, QT procedure. Removing variable stressors (like moving a fish every couple days) is important when QT'ing fish.
This and that.
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