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Old 11-26-2016, 05:17 PM
1628 1628 is offline
Join Date: Oct 2003
Location: Vancouver, B.C.
Posts: 50
1628 is on a distinguished road
Default Price Reduction: Selling entire system 120 gallon + Cube tank

I am selling an entire system as a whole package for $450. The tank has not been running for a few years and I have decided to sell. Tank is not cleared out so rocks and sand are still dry in tank. Pick up only, I live close to UBC.

120 gallon glass black tank with matching black stand and equipped with sump, pump, and plumbing hidden underneath the tank inside the black cabinet stand. Tank is 4' X 2' X 2'.

previously live rocks (a lot of it, say 150 lbs at least)

previously live sand

a half bucket of red sea marine salt

Aquaspace light MH 2X 250 with built in actinic pc, four feet long

electric temperature/therometer


hang on big aqua clear on the back

testing kits (including an extra calcium test kit)

aquarium books and magazines

Also included is:

A separate cube tank Length 18" X width 18" X 16" height, with black trim on top and bottom, which also comes with the following:


previously live rock

previously live sand



HOB overflow (still in box, I haven't set that up yet)

Mag-float glass cleaner

I will also throw in other supplies since I no longer need (such as fluval filter, air pump, water supplements, timer, nets, etc)
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