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Old 06-24-2013, 03:24 AM
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Default Snail and hermit lifespans

When I set up my tank almost 2 years ago, I put in bunch of hermits and snail and over that 1st year I added more, including a selection of snails and blue legged hermits. I've recently noticed I have no hermits left that I can see and maybe a half dozen or so snails. What's the lifespan of these things anyway? Do you guys have an annual replacement regimen or do I have an aquarium mystery on my hands? Alien abduction maybe?

I've had no problem keeping anything else, all my shrimp seem healthy, good pod population, I've always battled algae so I doubt they're starving... not too sure. Thoughts?
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Old 06-24-2013, 04:14 AM
1eyedjyde 1eyedjyde is offline
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I found my hermits would kill off each other and snails however I have had 2 turbo Snails for over 2 years now and 3 blue leg hermits for well over a year
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Old 06-24-2013, 04:23 AM
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What is the size of your tank and how many snails and hermits did not add before you decided to replenish them
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Old 06-24-2013, 01:20 PM
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Tanks are a 77 gal and 20 gal tied into a common 150 gal sump. Approx 150 lbs of live rock. I've never really had an end population I wanted to reach of either snails or hermits, just wanted a good size clean up crew. But life and work and side projects got me so consumed I started forgetting to just sitting down and watch the tank.

I never noticed until the last few days when I've made a concerted effort to clean up my tank of some algae that's been driving me crazy that there's very little clean up crew left. Trying to figure where they've all gone...
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Old 06-24-2013, 02:19 PM
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Blue and red legged hermit crabs have an average life span of 3-5 yrs in captivity.

Most snails live about a yr some species are shorter others are longer

I've lost about a third of my crabs to various things and have had some crab procreate i have 4 blue legged hermits born in my tank but my snails have been voracious procreaters I've only got one snail left from original batch and I have about 18 or so in my tank that were created and born in the tank.

If you don't have a lot of detritus your CuC can starve to death as well it could be one of many possibilities
My aquarium is nothing but a smorgasbord for my cats.....
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Old 06-24-2013, 03:43 PM
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I have a zebra hermit crab thats 4 years old.
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Old 06-24-2013, 05:38 PM
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Originally Posted by daplatapus View Post
Tanks are a 77 gal and 20 gal tied into a common 150 gal sump. Approx 150 lbs of live rock. I've never really had an end population I wanted to reach of either snails or hermits, just wanted a good size clean up crew. But life and work and side projects got me so consumed I started forgetting to just sitting down and watch the tank.

I never noticed until the last few days when I've made a concerted effort to clean up my tank of some algae that's been driving me crazy that there's very little clean up crew left. Trying to figure where they've all gone...
I think there is a couple of things at play here.

1. You probably added too many snails and hermits in the beginning and they starved to death. A couple of hermits, primarily predators, is enough for a tank your size. When there is little food for the hermits they can attack the snails.
2. If you did not have a very slow drip acclimatization for the snails they would be injured and die. Ya, they are juat snails but they have a complex system that is affected by saliinity, temperature and water quality.
3. If you tank took a bit of a downhill trend for a while, this might affect them.

Many new reefers fall victem to the 'I need a CUC kit' with the result that too many or the wrong inverts are provided that eventually die polluting the tank.
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