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Old 06-01-2013, 10:51 AM
reefme reefme is offline
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Default aiptasia

aiptasia doesn't want to go away. Treated with aiptasia-x four weeks ago and its came back in two weeks treated again and came back again. Is there anything that I can do to get rid of it?
Wow! That's Crazy! Why would you spend that much and go through all that trouble?
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Old 06-01-2013, 11:29 AM
RDNanoGuy RDNanoGuy is offline
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Originally Posted by reefme View Post
aiptasia doesn't want to go away. Treated with aiptasia-x four weeks ago and its came back in two weeks treated again and came back again. Is there anything that I can do to get rid of it?
Get some critters that eat them. Peppermint shrimp, berghia nudibranchs, or a copperband butterfly.
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Old 06-01-2013, 12:09 PM
reefme reefme is offline
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I thought of that.

Peppermint shrimp: I have so many wrasses that might kill it.

berghia nudibranchs: scare to get kill by power heads.

copperband butterfly: I have so many fishes in there already. They all get aggressive when I add a new fish in.
Wow! That's Crazy! Why would you spend that much and go through all that trouble?
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Old 06-01-2013, 12:16 PM
Cracken Cracken is offline
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You could try getting a glass needle and boiling some vinegar then injecting the aptasia with the hot vinegar.
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Old 06-01-2013, 01:28 PM
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My copperband never touched any, not even one. My peppermind shrimps don't care for them either.

I tried a huge bottle of AiptasiaX and they go away for a few days but return.

I am now trying berghias nudibranchs but if you go that route you should not have any peppermint shrimps as they will eat the berghia, and any other fish that might eat them. You can introduce the berghias in the evening when wrasses are asleep. The berghias will hide in the liverock and they are nocturnal so they will come out when the wrasses are asleep and eat the aiptasia. It's a slow method of control and the berghias are very fragile so they must be handled with little pipette, not with hands. I put 5 in my 70 gallons tank. They went into the liverock and I did not see them again. That was a week ago. Now I am seing aiptasias disepearing one by one so I know they are there and coming out at night to eat. I am hoping that they will reproduce and thrive in my tank with the tons of aiptasias that I have (enough to feed an army of berghias).

When introducing berghias, you must not put them directly on an aiptasia as the aiptasia will eat the berghia. YOu must put it near by the aiptasia but out of its reach.

Good luck, those are real pests. I still use aiptasia x from time to time to wipe out those little nasty aiptasias that get into my zoanthids colonies and frags. They seem to have a way to find my zoanthids
More fish die from human stupidity than any other disease...
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Old 06-01-2013, 01:46 PM
reefme reefme is offline
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I have 280 gallons tank. I only see 5 aiptasia for now.( one grand mother, one daddy, one mommy, one guy, and one girl). So how many berghias do I need?
Wow! That's Crazy! Why would you spend that much and go through all that trouble?
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Old 06-01-2013, 09:16 PM
kevin920 kevin920 is offline
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u can try some peppermint, mine eat them all gone, my wrasses just attack them a while, then ignore them lol
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Old 06-02-2013, 01:27 AM
freddy freddy is offline
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I use piclkling lime,suck it up with a syringe and slowly let it go over the aptasia,they take it in as food and it kills them,works not to bad for me.
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Old 06-02-2013, 01:32 AM
reefme reefme is offline
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Originally Posted by gregzz4 View Post
I've had success injecting Aiptasia and Mojanos with lemon juice straight out of the fridge
The trick is to blast them dead center before they start to close up
Do it in the middle of your 'lights on' period when they are fully open for ease of injection and less risk of cell release
A steady hand and an insulin syringe are best
Get as close as you can without touching it, or creating water movement, or they will start to close. If so, wait 'till they open
Then, get close and WHAM
It'll shrivel up taking the juice in with it and 'buh bye' pest
Originally Posted by freddy View Post
I use piclkling lime,suck it up with a syringe and slowly let it go over the aptasia,they take it in as food and it kills them,works not to bad for me.
And how much is pickling lime?
Wow! That's Crazy! Why would you spend that much and go through all that trouble?
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Old 06-02-2013, 02:55 AM
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Peppermint shrimp can be hit and miss too I have 2 in my tank one will ignore aiptasia the other will devour any as soon as it feels it.
My aquarium is nothing but a smorgasbord for my cats.....
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