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Old 04-25-2013, 02:26 AM
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Default California.....

Im in California for the next little while, Visiting the following cities,
San Fran
San Diego
Santa Barbara
Any recommendations or stops one should make?
The kids are with my mom and dad, so anything is fair game.
I have never been to any of these cities before, so please, any of you that have been, let me know what is a must see.....
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Old 04-25-2013, 02:43 AM
monza monza is offline
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I assume your talking fish related?

Long Beach
San Diego
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Old 04-25-2013, 02:50 AM
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Originally Posted by monza View Post
I assume your talking fish related?

Long Beach
San Diego
Sure, or whatever. Im not a spring chicken anymore, so anything relaxing is cool.
I was looking at San Diego sea world, $78 just to get through the gates though.
Have you been? is it worth the cash?
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Old 04-25-2013, 04:31 AM
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I love San Diego! Both sea world and the zoo are worth it! We spent an hour just watching the penguins at sea world! Check out old town as well, cool little market!

Venice beach is a must see if you've never been.

San Fran, pier 49, golden gate bridge and china town are a must. if you are driving and have time, take the coast highway from la to San Fran! It is an amazingly scary beautiful drive with tons of places to stop, red woods, whale watching, elephant seals and tidal pools. Give yourself a day tho, it'll take you at least 10 hours, winding highway over coastal mountains!

I haven't been to Santa Barbara since I was a kid.....

We took our kids to california almost 6 years ago and all our fave parts were not the theme parks except as noted, but 6 flags magic mountain I would hit in a heartbeat!
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Old 04-25-2013, 04:44 AM
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As far a fish stuff Birch aquarium is amazing. It a little north of San Diego in La Jolla. I love sea world, the zoo is great and the the safari park. There is also the sea life park at Lego land.
If you like rides Knotts berry farm has great rides and six flags magic mountain is wicked for coasters. There is so much to see there. I know socal almost as good as e-town.

I've never been to Monterey Bay aquarium but it's on my bucket list.
225gal dt with 100g sump. Mitras, vortechs, bubble king, AI Sol and Profilux.
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Old 04-25-2013, 05:09 AM
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Originally Posted by subman View Post
As far a fish stuff Birch aquarium is amazing. It a little north of San Diego in La Jolla. I love sea world, the zoo is great and the the safari park. There is also the sea life park at Lego land.
If you like rides Knotts berry farm has great rides and six flags magic mountain is wicked for coasters. There is so much to see there. I know socal almost as good as e-town.

I've never been to Monterey Bay aquarium but it's on my bucket list.
Ill be giving you a shout it I find myself wondering what to do next. Its the first trip in 18 years with no kids or plans. Its always been a conference or work or something. I may just find a nice corner pub and relax for the day........
At any rate, Ill post some pics of where I went and what went down.
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Last edited by The Codfather; 04-25-2013 at 05:11 AM.
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Old 04-25-2013, 05:07 AM
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Originally Posted by Coralgurl View Post
San Fran, pier 49, golden gate bridge and china town are a must. if you are driving and have time, take the coast highway from la to San Fran! It is an amazingly scary beautiful drive with tons of places to stop, red woods, whale watching, elephant seals and tidal pools. Give yourself a day tho, it'll take you at least 10 hours, winding highway over coastal mountains!
Thanks, have a bit planned here already, golden gate for sure as well as Alcatraz. I know its totally falling apart, but I've always wanted to see it.
Thats the problem, to much to see, and so little time.
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