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Old 05-24-2002, 02:26 AM
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Default 400W radiums. anyone here use em?

Curious to see if anyone locally is running these puppies. Been readin lots of hype about em and want to see with my own eyes. In person preferably but pics work for me too. [img]smile.gif[/img]
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Old 05-24-2002, 11:54 AM
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Default 400W radiums. anyone here use em?

Only in my dreams, man.

Maybe on a future tank, if I can get my hands on those Blueline ballasts. But, I think I've kind of promised myself that if I ever put 400W'ers over a reef tank, that then I have to look at having only ONE reef tank, not 3, because, (whine whine) my utility bill isn't a lot of fun right now.

Ok so this doesn't really answer your question. Sorry 'bout dat.

What I really wish, is that there'd be people trying the 150W DE 20k Radiums, or the 250W Radiums as well, so we could get a feel for those ones. As far as I can tell, nobody online is using them! And I'm not sure I want to be the one breaking into new territory. However, I am still kind of considering trying the 150W, I have the ballast for it already, sitting in a box, waiting for me to do something with it. It's that, the Iwasaki 50k, or a 150W DE 10K (maybe AB or Ushio). But not sure what tank to try it on, maybe my 20g, but, really the only thing in there is the green carpet, and I'm not really convinced the anemone really cares what colour temp. light it has..
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Old 05-24-2002, 12:24 PM
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Default 400W radiums. anyone here use em?


Any info is good info. So they run much better on the bluelines huh? Most people don't say what they are running the bulbs on for ballasts so I was assuming that some were running them on regular PFO or other ballasts.

hmmm.. I am really leaning towards re-doing my lighting scheme here. Running two NO actinics on a workhorse, two 10000K VHO's(I'll have enough laying around to last me for about 6 years) on a workhorse that come on an hour after the actinics then a 400W radium that is on for 6-8 hours max.

grrr.. decisions decisions..

Thanks Tony..

anyone else have input?
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Old 05-24-2002, 01:02 PM
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Default 400W radiums. anyone here use em?

From what I understand, they give off the best blue/white combo light with the most PPFD on the Bluelines, and the Bluelines draw the least amount of current, so these are the most efficient ballasts. But availability is an issue, there aren't any to be bought anywhere at the moment! Supposedly a new batch is being worked on and will be available "real soon now."

So the next best ballast is the PFO HQI's. Not quite as efficient, but almost, and can easily be bought since availability is not an issue. And some say the they like the light better on the HQI's, so there is probably a matter of preference there, hard to tell without seeing both setups in person.

I guess the Radiums on a typical M59 ballast and they're just blue, so probably not worthwhile investing in the bulbs if not going to invest in the ballasts as well.

Sanjay had a good article on this this some time back, "Do Ballasts Really Make a Difference?" Something like that. Can't remember which one it was now! Darn, sorry.
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Old 05-24-2002, 01:25 PM
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Default 400W radiums. anyone here use em?

Hmmm.. I wonder how the 250W raduim would do on an HQI ballast. Grrr.. Maybe I'll just go 10000K with a 400W ballast. I have seen those running.
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Old 05-24-2002, 01:27 PM
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Default 400W radiums. anyone here use em?

Hi Tony,
I think your thinking of this one...
How are the frags?
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Old 05-24-2002, 01:33 PM
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Default 400W radiums. anyone here use em?


Thanks a lot.. [img]smile.gif[/img] Gonna read it later this afternoon. I shouldn't even be here. Calculus final is in an hour. :( Man my head hurts.

as an aside. If I ever say I miss school in a couple of years hit me upside the head. Anyone..
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Old 05-24-2002, 01:59 PM
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Default 400W radiums. anyone here use em?

DJ88 -- good luck on the exams. Man, there's something I don't miss. I once thought about going back to school and gettin gmy masters, but, I'm far too addicted to the feeling of not having to worry about exams anymore! [img]smile.gif[/img]

Rocky -- yeah that's the one, thanks.


[ 24 May 2002, 10:03: Message edited by: delphinus ]
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Old 05-24-2002, 03:31 PM
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Default 400W radiums. anyone here use em?

Darren, my plan for my 50 gallon is to run the 400w iwasaki for the first year and then switch over to a radium when I do the bulb change.. I'm hoping I'll get nice growth out of the iwasaki for a year and then colour them up with the radium.

What did you originally have in mind for lighting?
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Old 05-25-2002, 04:45 AM
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Default 400W radiums. anyone here use em?

Well my life as a student is done for now.

sigh.. time to get drunk.. :D


I had gotten away from being a student as well. Till I was booted out of the Navy ;) and they said they would pay for more.. can't pass that up.


What I am thinking right now is a 400W with two NO actinics for sun up sun down and two 10000K VHO's since I have them. Only run the 400W for 6-8 hours and the 10000K's for 10 hours. I dunno.. just bouncing possibilities through my head.

Otherwise it's the 250W and VHOs.

easy as that.
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