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Old 11-17-2012, 12:00 AM
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Default Ideas for a sump...

Hey everyone. This may not be practical but I am going to throw it out there anyway. I have a 29g reef tank with a deep sand bed and about 30lbs of live rock. So I am thinking I realy only have about 20g of water in the tank. Now the tank is not drilled and I would really like to incoroparte a sump into the system. So I am looking at a HOB overflow (any sugestions or experiences would be aprreciated on that topic.) Now, I have limited space underneath my stand so I would really only be able to add somwhere around 15g of volume to the system. So... what I am thinking is to just head down to Walmart or something like that and get a Tote that would fit under my stand. So really all I would have is one chamber (in there I would have my skimmer, some extra live rock, heater and a return pump.) I would really like to setup a refuge but I dont know if i'd be able ot make dividers/baffles in a tote like that and that small of dimenstions. Does this seems like a good idea to everyone of is this just a pipe dream. Any suggestions or opinions would be greatly appreciated.

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Old 11-17-2012, 12:10 AM
LeanneP LeanneP is offline
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Thanks for asking this question as I am just in the same dilemma but with a 90 gallon that have nitrates at 10 and I am looking for a cheap way to sump it as I have been blowing my budget with my tank. Hope you don't mind but I will tag along.

Leanne P
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Old 11-17-2012, 12:31 AM
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My sumps never have baffles. I use a 20g tank and place a tall 7g inside that tank. Flow goes into the 7g with a sock, and overflows into the 20. The return pump and skimmer is in the 20g.
The 7 g is a fuge with cheato etc.
Kinda like a tote inside a tote.
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Old 11-17-2012, 12:40 AM
msjboy msjboy is offline
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you can just use a 10 gallon tank as a sump ( lots of people have them or even give em away free) without partitions as I have seen, or just get some 3 small sheets of acrylic from the waste cuts at various plexiglass stores like Industrial Plastics, ( you can score them manually if you have no access to a proper saw) to make the partitioned sump.... there are lotsa of designs out. You have to get an extra amount of silicon to adhere the sides though.

I think a plastic tote box, the plastic overtime might decay and have a leak; a thicker one will be of course best. I see that King Ed uses a plastic tray for their liverock sump as well as a plastic 55gallon bin.

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Old 11-17-2012, 01:22 AM
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Rubbermaid tote, or tough tub

Works like a charm.
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Old 11-17-2012, 02:02 AM
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I currently have a Aqueon HOB overflow on my tank. It always starts up right away. I did flood my basement though due to stupidity. I shut the return pump off and took the inside overflow box off without breaking the siphon on the utube. We'll the uTube kept siphoning and there went 2 gallons or so.

My other complaint about them is that they are noisey. You have to build stand pipes for them. Also, the clear boxes get horribly dirty. The only way to clean them is to soak it in vinegar. Go with a black box version.

I am using a 10 gallon rubbermaid to mix salt water in. It's works really well. Although, it does flex a lot.
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