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Old 10-12-2012, 06:45 PM
SpateD SpateD is offline
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Default Plumbing issue

Okay, so I have built a breeding system, 2 40g's, one ontop of the other. They both have a stockman standpipe, I did drill a hole, and put a piece of airline tubing in it, but nothing else..

My first tank, drops straight down, and 45's off into the tank below. The second tank, 90's down into the sump.

Whats happening on both of these, is massive surges of bubbles are spitting out the bottom of the drain pipes which is causing a lot of airation on the surface of my sump and second tank. Which is also causing a ton of salt creep and evaporation.

I took a video.. hopefully someone has some ideas.
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Old 10-12-2012, 08:22 PM
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can you post a pic of the other end of the plumbing?
225gal dt with 100g sump. Mitras, vortechs, bubble king, AI Sol and Profilux.
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Old 10-12-2012, 08:29 PM
SpateD SpateD is offline
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Sure, it's just a basic stockman standpipe.

I'm going to purchase valves today, but I already tried to limit the air intake and it didn't change anything, it actually made more of a gurgling sound when I completely stopped the airflow.
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Old 10-12-2012, 09:24 PM
biggerstretch biggerstretch is offline
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Default bubbles

If you give up fighting with it you could build a bubble trap........

Feed the drain into an old skimmer , kind of a bubble trap.

Invert a canister over the drain line ( 2L pop bottle ) have an air vent on top... bubbles go up , pop , air goes out ..

experiment with it ...
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Old 10-12-2012, 09:41 PM
SpateD SpateD is offline
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Basically there is no flow without these drain lines.. So I'm hoping to not obstruct the flow. I was thinking if popping off the 90's and putting basically a flat piece of something in it so it does slow the flow somewhat, but its causing bubbles before exiting and then it may reduce even more bubbles coming out... (Like the nets the city place along the roads that go downhill to slow the water flow).
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Old 10-13-2012, 12:55 AM
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Hmm Its most likely just from the falling of water from your top system. I would possibly try putting some sort of screen on the end but with that you will have micro bubbles out the ying
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Old 10-13-2012, 01:25 AM
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Try putting a T fitting on the end that goes into the sump
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Old 10-13-2012, 07:15 PM
SpateD SpateD is offline
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So I picked up 4 valves to control the air intake from the overflow, and it did help a little. Bit I'm still getting a lot of bubbles.

Any other suggestions for the tank to tank, I'm going to try the T on my sump drains.
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