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Old 08-02-2012, 05:17 AM
Oilers Oilers is offline
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I was looking at my tank and I noticed there was some water on the floor. It wasn't much so I thought maybe the fishes have splashed some water out onto the floor. However, when I inspected more closely, I noticed that there was also water at the top of the stand where the bottom of the tank touches. I took some paper towel and wiped everything dry. After an hour or so, I found water in the same place again.
Is my tank leaking? If so, how do I find where it leak? Is it fixable and how do I do that? Is it worth it to fix or should I find a new tank since once the tank leaks, it can leak again in the future. What should I do? HELP!!!

PS A friend of mine told me that the problem might be when I started using the easy blade scraper attachment for the cleaning magnet. The blade might have cut into the silicon that holds the tank together.
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Old 08-02-2012, 05:22 AM
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Sounds like a leak to me. If its coming from under the tank itself I would suspect a crack or bad caulking. Maybe safe to pick up a holding tank and inspect the tank for cracks or leaks. Sorry bout your luck. That happened to me in my old 40g cichlid tank
I'm not 'fallow' you must be talking about my tank!
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Old 08-02-2012, 05:33 AM
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I get something very similar. But I have an old tank with a cracked plastic rim. When my koralia pumps kick in or my water level gets a bit high capillary action sucks the water up and over the glass (but under the plastic trim) and it dribbles down the front and side panes of my tank. I guess there's either no silicone left in spots of the plastic and the glass and water can flow between them.
How old is your tank? Does it ave a trim on it? Is the plastic trim cracked or chipped anywhere?
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Old 08-02-2012, 01:23 PM
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My tank used to drip from the bottom, but it was from a leaking bulkhead at the top rear. Check all the top edges, and bottom bulk head for leaks or salt build up. If nothing there, you may have a leak and at that point, you might want to pick up a spare tank. You can repair it, but it will take a bit of time to tear it apart, clean it and put it back together, then let it cure for a few days. Depending on size, it might be easier to get a new tank
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Old 08-02-2012, 05:30 PM
Oilers Oilers is offline
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Originally Posted by daplatapus View Post
I get something very similar. But I have an old tank with a cracked plastic rim. When my koralia pumps kick in or my water level gets a bit high capillary action sucks the water up and over the glass (but under the plastic trim) and it dribbles down the front and side panes of my tank. I guess there's either no silicone left in spots of the plastic and the glass and water can flow between them.
How old is your tank? Does it ave a trim on it? Is the plastic trim cracked or chipped anywhere?
My tank is over a year old. I think I've found where the water came from. The water is dripping from the top of the tank where the plastic rim is so it's quite similar to what you had before. How did you fix it?
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Old 08-02-2012, 05:35 PM
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One more problem,
Since my tank was leaking water, it lets to my ATO reservoir draining at a faster rate than I anticipate it to be. I woke up this morning to an empty reservoir and the lights on the ATO blinking red. I refilled the reservoir and the pump turned itself on but there's no water coming out of the hose. I turned the unit off and shake the pump to get rid of the air bubbles but it still doesn't work. Any idea? I am using a Tunze ATO.
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Old 08-02-2012, 05:38 PM
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if your reservoir just emptied itself into the system, your salt levels will be low.
I would double check to see where your salinity is sitting
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Old 08-03-2012, 03:20 AM
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Originally Posted by Oilers View Post
My tank is over a year old. I think I've found where the water came from. The water is dripping from the top of the tank where the plastic rim is so it's quite similar to what you had before. How did you fix it?
Fix it? lol Without draining the tank I'm not sure how I'd fix it. I'm running a herbie style drain so I took a 1/4" off my safety stand pipe and now my water almost never gets that high for the capillary action to start. That and I lowered my power heads down a bit so they don't create such a wave on the front pane. Thankfully with my tank the front edge of the trim is almost 1/2" lower than the inside of the tank so I was able to drop the water level that little bit and still not see the water line from the front. I do still get the odd dribble I have to clean up but for the most part it's ok.
I hope that helps a bit. Thankfully it's not something as serious as a tank leak. Irritating a bit but no more.
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Old 08-03-2012, 06:27 AM
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Originally Posted by daplatapus View Post
Fix it? lol Without draining the tank I'm not sure how I'd fix it. I'm running a herbie style drain so I took a 1/4" off my safety stand pipe and now my water almost never gets that high for the capillary action to start. That and I lowered my power heads down a bit so they don't create such a wave on the front pane. Thankfully with my tank the front edge of the trim is almost 1/2" lower than the inside of the tank so I was able to drop the water level that little bit and still not see the water line from the front. I do still get the odd dribble I have to clean up but for the most part it's ok.
I hope that helps a bit. Thankfully it's not something as serious as a tank leak. Irritating a bit but no more.
I had a bad dream last night about waking up to a pool of water in my living room. I am really glad it is not something as serious as a tank leak. The thought of cleaning up that pool of water and transferring everything from the old tank to a new tank made me cringe!
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