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Old 06-03-2012, 07:45 PM
DbleG DbleG is offline
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Default Ontario Wide Super Reef Meeting

A few of the GTA reef clubs are about to combine their efforts to create a province (possibly country wide) super meeting in which any member can come out and see what it's like to have a reef club meeting! Not only does this help under serviced areas without a club or a quality LFS, but it allows all of us to meet up centrally, and create some buzz that MAY just get MACNA back where it belongs! We're asking any and all Ontario hobbyists (and outside of Ontario if you'd like to join us) to let us know if you're a) interested in attending at some point in the fall, b) able to help out with this event, and c) we'd like to know what you'd like to see at this event as well!

If you're a member of a reef club, great! Spread the word there and at your LFS, and if you're not, nows your chance to create one either before or after this event. Our clubs need to be able to support each other so we all succeed in the end. If you have any input on this it would be greatly appreciated!

Stores/Sponsors: If you would like to attend in official capacity please don't hesitate to drop a line here or to myself personally. For those who have frag operations but aren't quite there in terms of a business, this would be a FANTASTIC chance for you to get your name out there and make some sales that day!

Events for the day may include a formal meeting, frag swap, demos, discussion groups, and plenty of help and support for our fellow hobbyists.

If you ARE a member of a reef club or society, please establish a spokeperson to communicate with us so we can streamline this as easily as possible. If you don't have a club in your area but want to represent your region please again, contact us!

There is a discussion on the other canadian forum about this, as that's where most of the clubs keep their home forums, but I'll check here regularly as to not exclude anyone for any reason.

We want this to be a success, and your help/attendance is needed to make sure it is! Any and all input is welcomed!
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Old 06-03-2012, 08:21 PM
bling_bling466 bling_bling466 is offline
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I some it I'll pass the idea I'm sure Toronto some were would be best. Any dates?!!?!?!
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Old 06-03-2012, 08:41 PM
DbleG DbleG is offline
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We are targeting fall. September sometime and most certainly it will be in the GTA.
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Old 06-03-2012, 10:16 PM
Philster Philster is offline
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Sounds really good. A number of us would make the trip from Kitchener. Our club KWAS is moving forward with a MAP (marine awards program) in the not to distant future. Don't leave it to late in September as a bunch of us are heading to MACNA in Dallas this year.

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Old 06-03-2012, 11:08 PM
Advanced Reef Advanced Reef is offline
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Let us know, as a store we can help out. Its about time for something like this.
Flavio- advanced reef aquatics
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Old 06-03-2012, 11:30 PM
anthonystraus anthonystraus is offline
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I'm interested, would attend with my wife and a buddy. I am willing to help out.

As far as what I'd like to see?
1) some interesting presentations/slideshows
2) SW Auction/fragswap
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