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Old 02-13-2012, 10:40 PM
Joshua Jones Joshua Jones is offline
Marine Aquaria
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Default Local Fish @ Online Prices!

Hi Guys.

We've come up with a new offering that we're quite excited about here. Deadline for this offering is tomorrow at 2pm so its short notice, but will give you a heads-up on what to look for in future weeks!

This is the deal:

1) With select fish/invert shipments we will be offering a selection of items that will be available on super-special (aim is approx online price + a small provision for cost difference between cost of coastal v.s inland air frieght).

2) Select from these packages and order with 50% deposit by tuesday at 2pm.

3) Pick-up your purchase from 6-8pm on Thursday.

The ideology behind this offering is the following:
- Online vendors can offer lower prices due to the higher turn-over and thus very minimal time specimens are kept in holding systems for customer/vendor monitoring/viewing, exact specimen choosing, see them eating etc..

- In my experience some customers prefer the cost savings in exchange for the added risk and not seeing it before buying it; many have holding systems etc. So it works out

- Understand that the difference in price between online vendors and your Local Fish Stores pays for shipping (from coast, inland) as well as the time, care and attention put into making sure your specimen is healthy as well as gives you the chance to see it before you buy it. This goes for our store, as well as EVERY SINGLE COMPETITOR who do the best they can to offer you value, service, and add to local community. This is not an attempt to undercut ourselves, or any other store, just offer you the choice of risk assumption (and it's proportionate share of cost savings). Maybe i should have made this an article : )

- Our fish vendor is excellent, we have minimal health surprises at the store and expect the same for you.

Anyway, long-short is -- Offerings for this week are:

All specimes are Medium unless otherwise marked
Flame Angel $50.00
Dispar Anthias (min 3) $26.25
Bartlett Anthias(min 3) $57.50
Copperband Butterfly $37.50
Threadfin Cardinal (min 5) $16.25
Helfrichi Firefish $125.00
BlueDot Jawfish $162.50
Labouti Wrasse $125.50
Juv. Passer Angel $100.00
Nassarius Sm (50 Snails) $65.00

To purchase any of these deals, please contact:

Harvey Wong
Phone / Store: 780 761-1101
Fax / Store: 780 761-1102

- If you don't pick up by 2pm the following day your deposit is lost or converted to store credit at managements discretion. In the event that your stock does not arrive as planned, you can either have your money back, or put on your account to be spent as you see fit.
- Cannot be combined with other specials.
- Of-course there is no warranty, but we will keep our ears open for special cases.
Joshua A. Jones
Marine Aquaria Inc
2854 Calgary Trail, Edmonton
780 761 1101

Last edited by mr_alberta; 02-13-2012 at 10:58 PM.
Old 02-13-2012, 11:01 PM
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Most of those prices are higher than regular prices at LFS in Edmonton, what makes these so special?
Old 02-13-2012, 11:03 PM
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i was just gonna say that. i can find these price easily around town
Old 02-13-2012, 11:09 PM
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No kidding, with those prices I can dothe same thing in B.C. just buy it from JL and ship it out... I don't get it.
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Old 02-13-2012, 11:13 PM
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and if you dont pick it up by 2pm you lose the 50% deposit? dont most people work until 4pm on weekdays?

so basically you're giving people a 6-8pm window or they could potentially lose 81 dollars (if they ordered a blue spot jawfish lets say)

Last edited by MarkoD; 02-13-2012 at 11:16 PM.
Old 02-13-2012, 11:44 PM
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Those are higher or the same as the prices in Calgary.

You could drive to calgary hit every store and drive home with gas included and still pay the same for the blue spot jaw.

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