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Old 01-08-2012, 07:28 PM
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Default Coralgurls tank build 180 - it's ALIVE

Hey everyone, I finally get to have a build thread! This is a bit early to start as i wont be picking up the tank till later this week but I'm so excited, sitting here planning and thinking. I expect to have the tank up and running within the year so loads of time for planning.

As I have only been reefing for less than a year with my 55gl sump less system, I have a LOT to learn going bigger and would like some input on equipment. Currently have the following:

Tunze 9011 skimmer rated to over 200 gl
Mp 10 and 40
Illuminex LEDs and 2x 54 wt t5ho
Hob refugium

Obviously lighting is going to have to change. I really like what the LEDs have done for the tank since adding, I know a lot of you have been switching over, thoughts, pros, cons?

I'm guessing another mp 40...?

In my current set up I've been trying every coral, sorties, lps and sps. Not
much luck with the sps and not sure if I will really get into them (for now) but
obviously want the option.

So....what else should I be looking at?

My other question is flooring. The space where the tank will be going is carpeted, will likely pull it out and tile it. I've read a few threads on tile floors and the concerns...Thoughts?

When we get the tank home, will post pics, have an idea of some of the mods we will need to make.

Thanks and I look forward to all comments and suggestions.

Last edited by Coralgurl; 02-09-2012 at 08:51 PM. Reason: Bigger tank
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Old 01-08-2012, 08:01 PM
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Oooh.......this sounds exciting! Getting another MP40 would be a good idea, but depending on how much actual flow you're looking to achieve. You might actually be ok with the MP40 and the MP10 that you already have.

I'm gung-ho on LED's, however that will really depend on your budget and if you want the dimming option that the newer units have. I have 2 Illumilux units retro-fitted in my little BC29 plus I added a "few" Ecoxotic Stunner LED strips to fill the area that the Illumilux doesn't reach. I think I honestly went a little overboard on my lighting.

I can't wait to see pics.

Good luck on the build!
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Old 01-08-2012, 08:13 PM
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I'm running the 10 at 100% and the 40 at about 45%, also have a koralia 750 to move water on the surface and this seems more than enough on the 55. My big issue is getting all water storage out of sight and right now we are debating where to put it. Our basement is partially developed with a bedroom right under where the tank will be. I'd rather have the sump and everything in the basement, but would mean running a lot of extra plumbing. He's talking about an additional cabinet to house the water...hmm.

From what I've seen with the led units, will likely need at least 2 for a 6 ft tank, possibly 3? That gets pricey.... I'm also wondering about controllers, if necessary?
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Old 01-08-2012, 10:37 PM
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i had a mp10 on a 90g with 3/8" glass, it barely held on and my turbo snail kept knocking it off.
Crap happens, that's why they sell toilet paper in 48 roll packs!
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Old 01-08-2012, 10:54 PM
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DIY LED kits are probably cheaper in your case, and I assume your tank is probably braced in the center, so the middle light would get a lot of shadows created in the tank if it was the case. If your seriously considering LED I would message Martin about a DIY kit He can throw things together t suite your needs for whether or not you will keep softies/lps/sps, what color requirements you want, dimming, controllers etc. awesome guy to talk to about this. from what I have heard MP40s are awesome but for the money I head a lot of people say Tunze is the way to go. I personally have no clue about that though.

Good Luck I look forward to watching your build!! I will be doing one in a few weeks too!
I'm not 'fallow' you must be talking about my tank!
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Old 01-15-2012, 10:29 PM
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Well, I got my tank, not the 135, but a brand new 180 gl, plus a sump (don't have the dimensions yet) and metal stand. Tank and stand were delivered yesterday, have 3 very strong guys to thank for safely getting it in the house! I have to pick up the sump from Red Coral this week, its a 5 footer..Thanks to my amazing boyfriend and family who made this happen!!! Hope they continue to support the addiction!

Here's the pics!

tank and stand

left overflow

right overflow

Where it will actually be placed.
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Old 09-24-2012, 03:14 PM
Salt2Death Salt2Death is offline
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Wow, I love the work you have done. Really a great Aqua Scape going on there! Wt how many "I need aqua scape help," you should teach a class!

Great Job!

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Old 09-24-2012, 08:48 PM
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Originally Posted by Salt2Death View Post
Wow, I love the work you have done. Really a great Aqua Scape going on there! Wt how many "I need aqua scape help," you should teach a class!

Great Job!

Sent Via Pirate Ship.......
Thanks. I had pics of tanks open on my ipad trying to get ideas. Good thing its got a cover as it got a bit wet...Not getting overly positive feedback on my help thread, so may change up the centre a bit. The thing I like about the column in the middle is there are so many coral placement options on it. I may just leave it alone and see how things look with corals, which are seriously lacking in this tank!! I do like the overall look better than my initial set up.
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Old 04-24-2013, 09:22 PM
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Inspiring post!
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Old 04-25-2013, 02:05 AM
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I too am glad you stuck with it Sheena
Tank is looking great
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