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![]() My clowns are trying to get into my bubble coral. They are rubbing against it and looks like nipping a bit. If the hit one of its tentacles they go and rub against the sand or a rock. I don't have an anenome, tank is 6 months old. I know clowns don't need one, but should I get them one? I was thinking of a carpet anenome...thoughts?
![]() I would suggest perhaps a hairy green mushroom, these are common and many may have a rock with many on it.
If you move your coral and put the hairy green there they may host the new mushroom. You could ask here if anyone has any smaller split nems.
This is my personal user name I do not represent any company. “When I die, I want to go peacefully like my Grandfather did, in his sleep -- not screaming, like the passengers in his car.” ” |
![]() Pm'd
![]() I suggest , move the bubble coral somewhere else before they kill it.
![]() I picked up a small anenome and will put it in behind where the bubble is and move the bubble. They were sitting under the bubbles when we got home. Maybe a rush decision but I really don't want them in the bubble. I had read about these clowns and anenomes so it should be ok. Got some cool pics tho.
![]() Clowns jumped into anenome within 15 mins of placing in the tank. Moved bubble and all is good! So cool, female went in first, male went in once she moved out and they are both in and out! That's one of the coolest things I've ever seen...well so far with this hobby anyway!
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![]() I have a couple that have made a home in my Kenya Trees. so that mught be an option for you.
![]() Well the nem I picked up last nite, I posted pics on another forum I use and was told that it's bleached as it's whitish yellow and needs go be nursed back to health. It's a sebae nem with purple tips. The store had 2 diff colors, one more beige and we liked this one cuz it was brighter and wasn't told it was unhealthy. Was at another lfs last week and saw the same ones, same color. I have 2 t5s white and blue and vertex LEDs white and blue. My corals are all growing. Do I have a problem with this nem??
![]() I know they don't require a lot of light. I have a carpet and a red bubble tip. They both haved housed themselves wiithin my live rock..not in direct light. My clown fish spend the day going from the nems to the Kenya
Trees. They also don't like direct water flow on them. So that may be something else to consider. Look at the mouth on the nem. If it is wide open it is probably stress. I would turn your fans of they will find a home. Avoid the temptation of moving them all the time..placing them were you would like them to be. They tend to want to find a spot were they feel "safe". Im running combo six t5 and 3 250 watt mh. Unit is 72 inches. My nems are down low out of light, out of direct light. |
![]() I've read they require med light and flow. He's tucked right into the rock now, fed last nite, was excreting stuff this morning, clowns were trying to help remove....gross...haven't seen the mouth since I first put him in, even when I fed just grabbed the food with it's tentacles and it disappeared. Lights have gone off for the afternoon, my t5 light clips broke so have to figure out how to rehang them. Skimmer is in the tank so only front half available for lights and that's where my LEDs are....if it's not one thing it's another....