Air Swimmers
Kevin MUST get at least 2 of these for the new store! With the high ceilings they'd be perfect.
Air Swimmers take flying fish to a whole new level http://reefbuilders.com/2011/08/17/air-swimmers/
180 gal tank, 50 gal sump, PM RFCa6 Ca Reactor, SWC Extreme 250 1A Cone Skimmer, Tunz Osmolator ATOF, Aquacontroller Apex, Aquaillumination Sol Super Blue 6 x 75w Units, Acros/Softies/LPS/Mushrooms/Zoos, Purple/Powder Blue/Yellow Tang/3xBlue Chromis/2xTomato Clown/Lawnmower Blenny |
Super cool!!!
Link to our location and hours!http://www.canreef.com/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=67597 |