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Old 01-18-2004, 05:42 AM
BCOrchidGuy BCOrchidGuy is offline
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Default Things not to do in the LFS

When first getting started in the hobby there are a few things you need to do, like, ask lots of questions. It's best to get a number of different opinions, if something doesn't make sense, ask for clarity. Do try to get to as many stores as you can to see how they keep their tanks, etc, look for dead fish in the tanks but mainly, there are af few things you shouldn't do.

1). When at the LFS, if one of the people is working with a customer on a sale, DO NOT interupt and tell them that the item they are looking at is cheaper at the store you were just at.

2) Don't expect them to bend over and give You a good deal if you just broke rule 1.

3) Don't expect them to be Un Hostile with you after your comment cost them the sale.

4) Don't stick your hand in tanks to see how the fish/anemones/etc feel.

5) Don't expect to get everything you want at one store, alot of times you need to have access to two or more stores to really get everything you need.

6) When the staff discounts something for you, don't whine and moan for a larger discount.

7) When you get stuff home, if you drop something on the floor, don't just through it in the garbage, yes it may be damaged but it may recover nicely. I had a mishap with a montipora digitata I was moving, as I was walking with it my wife came around the corner with a bunch of stuff in her hand. My Montipora was suddenly 11 frags.. guess what.. they all grew back.

8) If you have a coral that's dying, don't take it back to the LFS and try to trade it in on a healthy coral. (This goes for fish too).

9) If you buy a coral/fish and you didn't research it on your own before you bought it don't blame the LFS when it eats everything in your tank. (ask the store to hold an item for 24 hours if you really like it but DO YOUR RESEARCH).

10) Don't expect the LFS staff to think for you, they may get to know you but chances are they wont remember everything in your tank, don't just rely on, "Will this be okay in my tank?" see rule 9. Folks make mistakes, do your homework. If you put it in your tank, you're the one who's decided to do it, you're the one who'll have to deal with it if it's a big mistake.

Old 01-18-2004, 05:49 AM
Namscam Namscam is offline
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very good advice doug
Old 01-29-2004, 10:21 PM
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Any comment on what to do when you're standing next to a salesperson and newbie customer and the LFS is giving 100% BS advice.
Old 01-29-2004, 10:33 PM
dekay dekay is offline
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Originally Posted by mark
Any comment on what to do when you're standing next to a salesperson and newbie customer and the LFS is giving 100% BS advice.
a) step in, give your advice and never go back to the store
b) stfu and mind your own business if you're planning to go back and get good price and service
c) step in, agree with the sales person and get the newbie to buy more useless crap if you want even better price and service
Old 01-30-2004, 12:30 AM
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doesent realy matter as most people will polightly listen to you then do what the sals man recomended anyways.. after all he works in the industry he must know what he is talking about or they wouldent have hiried them..

It is a sad fact that 90% of petshop jobs are minimum wage or trade work for supplies. This is why there is a awful lot of people working in the stores that don't have a clue.

*everything said above is just my opinion, and may or may not reflect the views of this BBS, its Operators, and its Members. If cornered on any “opinion” I post I will totally deny having ever said this in a Court of Law…Unless I am the right one*

Some strive to be perfect.... I just strive.
Old 01-30-2004, 02:33 AM
BCOrchidGuy BCOrchidGuy is offline
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I would agree with Steve, the best way I've found to handle this is to ask for clarification, offer the salesperson the correct advice... IE... I'm sorry I must have over heard you wrong did you say that this bi colour blennie and the lion fish would be alright together? I'd always heard a lion fish eats anything large eough to fit in it's mouth...
but in the long run, if the customer feels the sales person is "nice" they'll go with the recommendation of that sales person.


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