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Old 04-28-2011, 02:54 AM
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Default Proud to have "Bean" aka Lyndsy working at BWA

Not too often do I see our practices and procedures pushed to the limit, but when I do, I am happy to see it.

I was at the store later than normal today, and was acclimatin an order that Air Canada screwed up on (was delayed & bumped on 3 flights), so I wasn't in too good of a mood since some of the fish weren't looking too happy.

But as I was checking out the new stock, in the corner of my eye I noticed that Bean was talking to a NEW customer. I took notice on how she was giving this new customer the third degree, and was asking him lots of questions. I heard "2 week old tank", but didn't interrupt. Then I heard, "We don't sell fish when we know they are just going to die".

Then I saw the customer storm out of the store, mumbling "I'll get it elsewhere."

So I asked Bean what the problem was, thinking we upset the customer somehow.

She told me the customer had "just cycled" his tank that was set up 2 weeks ago, but did not test anything. When prompted we'd be happy to test a water sample for him, he refused to waste his time to driver home to get a sample but wanted a fish.

Lynsey refused to sell the fish to him due to not knowing if the tank was "READY".

Cudos to you Lyndsy, putting health before profit. Happy to have you aboard.


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Old 04-28-2011, 02:57 AM
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Glass box with stoney stuff and fisches...
Old 04-28-2011, 03:04 AM
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That's are little Bean, way to go young lady stick to your

It always great when you can find an employee with the passion Ken, between yourself and Kevin / Steve (RC) you all have AWESOME staff.
Feed the bear goodies, make a new friend, don't feed the bear...............

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Old 04-28-2011, 04:01 PM
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Good job, Lyndsy!
Old 04-28-2011, 04:21 PM
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Right on lyndsy, haha I know who you are talking about, he was at my store on the weekend and I told him the same thing, if it's the same person he said he lives by south gate and I recommended he bring a water sample In to you guys, since you are closer.....

Link to our location and hours!
Old 04-28-2011, 04:45 PM
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Originally Posted by RedCoralEdmonton View Post
Right on lyndsy, haha I know who you are talking about, he was at my store on the weekend and I told him the same thing, if it's the same person he said he lives by south gate and I recommended he bring a water sample In to you guys, since you are closer.....

That's hilarious! I hope it was the same guy, maybe he will think about it when he's told the same thing from two different people.
~ Mindy

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Old 04-28-2011, 03:02 AM
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Well done, Lynsey.
Old 04-28-2011, 03:02 AM
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No point in killing fish for no reason! My apologies if the customer is on here. But he said he'd go else where! Fish first! They are living things too!
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Fb- edmonton fish coral and hardware buy and sell!
Old 04-28-2011, 05:32 PM
clowningaround clowningaround is offline
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Smile Good For Bean....

Originally Posted by BlueWorldAquatic View Post
Not too often do I see our practices and procedures pushed to the limit, but when I do, I am happy to see it.

I was at the store later than normal today, and was acclimatin an order that Air Canada screwed up on (was delayed & bumped on 3 flights), so I wasn't in too good of a mood since some of the fish weren't looking too happy.

But as I was checking out the new stock, in the corner of my eye I noticed that Bean was talking to a NEW customer. I took notice on how she was giving this new customer the third degree, and was asking him lots of questions. I heard "2 week old tank", but didn't interrupt. Then I heard, "We don't sell fish when we know they are just going to die".

Then I saw the customer storm out of the store, mumbling "I'll get it elsewhere."

So I asked Bean what the problem was, thinking we upset the customer somehow.

She told me the customer had "just cycled" his tank that was set up 2 weeks ago, but did not test anything. When prompted we'd be happy to test a water sample for him, he refused to waste his time to driver home to get a sample but wanted a fish.

Lynsey refused to sell the fish to him due to not knowing if the tank was "READY".

Cudos to you Lyndsy, putting health before profit. Happy to have you aboard.

That is awsome Bean.. Like i said,stick with what you beleive and don't second guess yourself. We all stand behind you with a right decision like that.Good job!!-Shan-
Old 04-28-2011, 06:12 PM
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Before we have purchased any fish or anything else from Blue World, Lyndsy has always asked questions as to (in the beginning when we were first new to saltwater) our tank size, other fish that are already in the tank and any we would like to add later. She knows now that we have numerous tanks ranging in size and will still ask which tank we are putting what ever into. Most people that we have talked to in all stores, including Steve at Red Coral and staff at AI have given us good advice as to what we should have in the tank sizes we have and what fish are compatible. Some things that we have asked about get huge when they are full grown!!! Lyndsy has discouraged us from making purchases that are really cute when they are small and we are thankful for her advice. And the person, whom was in the store, does have other stores to purchase from but hopefully staff there will be as insistent as she was.

I have learned that in the saltwater hobby, as life itself can be, PATIENCE is a Virtue! We all get impatient and want to have a system like Dez's or even Wes' right away but aquariums like theirs take time to establish. I can only hope that in time ours will look some what similar to theirs. Ken, you are very fortunate at Blue world to have all staff like you do who know what they are talking about and are not afraid to speak up and discourage potential purchases when needed. Kudos to all saltwater store employees who actually give a damn!!!

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