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Old 04-08-2011, 12:50 AM
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Default Blotched anthias has swollen stomach

I noticed tonight my blotched anthias has swollen stomach, I have never seen this before and am worried about him he is still eating but his stomach is very swollen. He is not as active as he usually is. I don't know if he has a swollen swim bladder? Is there anything i can do for him.
360 gallon sps reef, 180 gal sump, bubble king supermarine 300, 4xmp40Wes, 2 x 6215 tunze waveboxes, 4 ghl mitras

360 Reef Tank
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Old 04-08-2011, 01:03 AM
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360 gallon sps reef, 180 gal sump, bubble king supermarine 300, 4xmp40Wes, 2 x 6215 tunze waveboxes, 4 ghl mitras

360 Reef Tank
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Old 04-08-2011, 01:35 AM
Borderjumper Borderjumper is offline
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Being a deep water fish, they are wry prone to swim bladder problems. I had one for years ( he just recently passed ) with a bad bladder. It didn't seem to effect his general well being much, he just would tend to "bob". he adapted well and actually acted more like a hawkfish, as would perch on a rock or hold himself on the side of a rock with the tips of his fins.

While his bladder was always somewhat swollen, the size would vary. I found that if he fed from the surface.. Like a bass feeds... It would get worse. I always tried to get his food to sink, so he didn't get any surface air with it.

Mine lived for 3 years. He adapted.
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Old 04-08-2011, 01:48 AM
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Mine has been here for 2 years and today was the first time i noticed anything. I read a lot before making the plunge and saw the surface feeding thing so i always feed below the surface.
360 gallon sps reef, 180 gal sump, bubble king supermarine 300, 4xmp40Wes, 2 x 6215 tunze waveboxes, 4 ghl mitras

360 Reef Tank
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