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Old 01-26-2011, 04:33 AM
bigbadbrent bigbadbrent is offline
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Default Is a Biocube a good deal?

Looking into getting a tank and kind of up in the air on how I'm going to start. I've looked at the Biocube kits, are they a good deal or are there lots of stuff that needs to be replaced? Or are they ok to pretty well get running, cycle and get fish in it? Looking for a pair of Clowns, and maybe some others that would get along. I understand I wouldn't get much in the tank.

It would be a FOWLR tank, so not worried about reef stuff.

What about the JBJ Nano Cubes? Or am I being silly and getting a regular tank would be more affordable in the long run?

Thanks for the help


Last edited by bigbadbrent; 01-26-2011 at 04:37 AM.
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Old 01-26-2011, 05:04 AM
reefwars reefwars is offline
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biocubes are a great way to step your foot in if youve no previous experience they work just fine but i guarantee youll be upgrading lol not many are happy with just a small tank and youll end up with corals too mark my word lol but for a small tank the biocubes are def affordable to starting your own from scratch.
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Old 01-26-2011, 12:22 PM
Moby da Goby Moby da Goby is offline
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I got back into the hobby with a Biocube 29 and so far the only thing left in it that's stock is the lights, and those are going once I get my tax refund! I like the size plus the clean look too it and the fact I can hide a lot of stuff in the back chambers.

Nano-reef has a lot of great information on modifications that people have done to their biocube, nano0cubes and other all-in-one styles.
30 gallon cube causing me grey hair!
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Old 01-26-2011, 01:03 PM
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Keep your eye out for a Red Sea Max 130 as well, IMO still the best built all in one out there. I have had both the RSM and Biocube, and its just as Reefwars said, you will be upgrading. Starting with an all in one means less planning than a bare bones setup, and for a person that's new to the hobby that means less chance of error.
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Old 01-26-2011, 01:13 PM
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lol - once you start reading NANO REEF your bio cube wont suffice.

Here are the basic things pretty much everyone upgrades so if you are a tech junkie or someone who likes to diy you will need to add these costs into you budget

skimmer - tunze 9002
add powerheads (couple Koralia nano 425 or vortech mp10)
change lights (leds or 18" t5s if you want to keep the stock hood)
add INTANK media rack (for chemipure, carbon, chaeto)
replace return pump for higher turnover through fuge section

with that said it might be a better to get a used tank of similar gallonage and add acrylic baffles in the back to mimic the all in one design of the bio cube then just purchase the above items or build them into the design. Lot of people on nano reef have gone this route and you usually end up saving some cash and get what you want from the start instead of wasting money on parts you just end up throwing out.
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Old 01-26-2011, 01:25 PM
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My first SW setup was a 29g bio-cube. It was a great learning tool but agree you will wan't to upgrade in the future....If I were starting again I would still go with the biocube for this reason but I wouldn't buy a new one, you can get used ones fairly cheap and save some $$$ for the future system when you know which way you want to go...
Glass box with stoney stuff and fisches...
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Old 01-26-2011, 01:51 PM
gobytron gobytron is offline
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I keep several Biocubes/Aquapods.

They make Ideal species displays for a lot of cool animals...

One of my favs was a pair of yasha gobies and 3 tiger pistols in an 8 gallon I of the most active conversation starter of a tank I have ever had.

You wot neccesarily want to upgrade from a biocube, some people do but it all comes down to you and what you're looking to get out of the hobby.

A bone stock 29 AIO (or All In One) will let you keep alot of cool animals and defnitely a great way to see if this hobby is right for you...

They are also quite easy to sell again, if you DO decide to upgrade or realize it's more work than its worth.
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