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Old 06-20-2010, 10:39 PM
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Default Not the response I expected...

Well that was sure strange.
I've been reading and eying a new salt water setup for over a year now, and I figured that today when I was out checking out the Fathers day specials at Big Al's , I'd bring the wife along and see if I couldn't get her on board for a new 90 gallon SW tank. Well, she fell in love with all the different colorful fish, and corals, and seemed pretty willing to take the jump from fresh water (we have multiple smaller tanks already) to the SW world. BUT....
When I mentioned that since this would be our fist SW tank, I think we should limit ourselves to a nice 90, due to the fact that anything bigger would have to go in the basement, and would up the costs for rock and lighting, ect. She just said, that anything smaller than a 120 would be a waste, and really liked the look of 3 foot depth tanks. (eg: 5x3x3) (OMG!!!)

I'm thinking to kewl,....this is amazing...but then.....what does she wanna buy.....heh heh..... I'm getting the feeling new furniture is in the near future.
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Old 06-20-2010, 10:43 PM
Rogue951 Rogue951 is offline
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thats why u gave her the ring.... well partly why...
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Old 06-20-2010, 11:16 PM
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She is right you know....anything less then a 120 is a waste

Just don't assume it's going to be your tank

300g tank
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Old 06-21-2010, 01:02 AM
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Originally Posted by marie View Post
She is right you know....anything less then a 120 is a waste

Just don't assume it's going to be your tank

Yes, it true, but the moneys that would be needed for larger tanks, would break me I think. Yes, its a family tank, they kids help me do maint on all my fresh water stuff, and they'd be more than happy to jump in on the sw tank. They already have a list of fish then want.
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Old 06-21-2010, 02:09 PM
gobytron gobytron is offline
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Originally Posted by marie View Post
She is right you know....anything less then a 120 is a waste

Just don't assume it's going to be your tank

way to alienate a majority of people on this board.
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Old 06-21-2010, 02:18 PM
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Gobytron, I think Marie was posting that if you have a choice between a 120 and a 90 go for the bigger tank.
There are limitations many reefers have including money, space, a marriage, and personal preference in choosing smaller tanks.
If none of the above area an issue, go for bigger.
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Old 06-21-2010, 02:28 PM
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Originally Posted by naesco View Post
If none of the above area an issue, go for bigger.
In that case, if you should decided to go larger, consider a custom built tank.
This way you have all the features you want, and you dont waste money and time in the future upgrading your tank.

Alot of the larger more pretty marine fish are avid swimmers, they require a lot of room to browse and swim.
Many fish become stressed due to the small area we provide for them.
A 6 foot tank would be your better choice.
The 6 foot 120 gallons can be bought at the larger stores in Calgary.
But if you want a really nice tank call up the marine only stores and ask for a quote of a custom tank build.
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Old 06-21-2010, 02:56 PM
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Originally Posted by gobytron View Post

way to alienate a majority of people on this board.


300g tank
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Old 06-21-2010, 04:49 PM
Coleus Coleus is offline
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bigger is better in my opinion but then you will spend more money in filling the tank :-)
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Old 06-20-2010, 11:46 PM
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Originally Posted by Reeferized View Post
Well that was sure strange.
I've been reading and eying a new salt water setup for over a year now, and I figured that today when I was out checking out the Fathers day specials at Big Al's , I'd bring the wife along and see if I couldn't get her on board for a new 90 gallon SW tank. Well, she fell in love with all the different colorful fish, and corals, and seemed pretty willing to take the jump from fresh water (we have multiple smaller tanks already) to the SW world. BUT....
When I mentioned that since this would be our fist SW tank, I think we should limit ourselves to a nice 90, due to the fact that anything bigger would have to go in the basement, and would up the costs for rock and lighting, ect. She just said, that anything smaller than a 120 would be a waste, and really liked the look of 3 foot depth tanks. (eg: 5x3x3) (OMG!!!)

I'm thinking to kewl,....this is amazing...but then.....what does she wanna buy.....heh heh..... I'm getting the feeling new furniture is in the near future.
Go for length before depth. It will be the furniture first than a new dress, shoes or purse for every fish you buy. Hide everything and put the plastic bags in the garbage can before she comes home.
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