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Old 06-13-2010, 03:19 PM
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Default Fish tales (or should I say tails lol)

So I've gotten quite a few new fish in the last few weeks, so I thought I should share some pic.'s, give an update & some background info. I also was able to catch (thanks to Bob's aka The Codfather's fish trap) and move my bluefin/black damsel over to the fowlr tank WHOOOOHOOOO! More on that later but 1st some pic.'s & info on the newbies.

I'll start with the reef tank

The first fish I brought home just over 2 weeks ago is my clown tang. I have been wanting another once since I lost my last one to marine velvet. However I had some reservations about mixing my sohal with another clown tang. My old clown tang and sohal got along great but the clown was in the tank 1st. I've been very lucky and my sohal is rarely aggressive so I had been pondering the idea for quite some time. Then Blue World had one but I was going on holidays at the time and didn't want to add a new fish just before I left plus I still wasn't sure if I should take the risk of adding one or not. However when I got back from Mexico and the clown tang was still at BW but with someone else's name on hold for it, it made me very sad. I knew then I wanted one and that wasn't going to change, so when I found one at Marine aquaria a few weeks ago (I hummed and hawed a bit for 4 days) then went back and bought it. For 2 days my sohal let the clown tang know who's boss but after that he left him alone. Now they get along ok with each other.

Another fav of mine that died from MV was my red coris wrasse. BW had one in for a couple of weeks and the day after I bought the clown tang I was at BW and there the red coris was following me around at the front of the glass, looking up at me with his big cute eyes saying please give me a good home. Well who could say no to that...not I

Then last weekend was the garage sale at AI and because he was such a good deal and so cute I got a starry blenny. Ironically my black sailfin blenny chases my starry around more then my sohal and clown tang! Thankfully he doesn't hurt him, he just like to chase him once in awhile.

I'm just another zoa, you can't see me!

And finally yesterday I was at BW and saw these cool looking blackbar chromis. My boyfriend really likes chromis and has been wanting another group of them but I don't care for the plain blue ones, however these guys are cool so I got I group of them.

Big Blue (as I like to call my bluefin/black damsel) got a few nips in before he got evicted, but overall they seem to be ok and I hope they do well.

So that brings everyone up to date on my reef tank. A friend of mine has a purple tang that I plan on getting from him and I have a weakness for wrasses/blennies/gobies (I really like mystery wrasse's) but other then that there will be no more fish for this tank.
One more fish should be ok?, right!!! - Laurie

Last edited by fishoholic; 06-13-2010 at 04:09 PM.
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Old 06-13-2010, 03:45 PM
Leah Leah is offline
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Great fishy's Laurie. And never say No.
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Old 06-13-2010, 03:48 PM
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Originally Posted by Leah View Post
Great fishy's Laurie. And never say No.
That's my biggest problem, I don't!
One more fish should be ok?, right!!! - Laurie
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Old 06-13-2010, 04:00 PM
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As for my evil blue fin/black damsel I've finally caught him and moved him over to the fowlr tank. In which he very quickly learned he's low man on the totem pole instead of big man on campus. I am grateful that I don't have to worry about him chasing my wrasses in my reef tank around anymore or killing off my new chromis, but I almost feel bad for him. However a taste of his own medicine is good for him and the irony that it was my lunare wrasse who did it to him is almost poetic.

Before going into the fowlr

And I said I almost feel bad for him...alomost

Shockingly all this damage happend in the 1st 30 seconds he went into the tank Guess he finally learned a lesson about chasing wrasses.
One more fish should be ok?, right!!! - Laurie

Last edited by fishoholic; 06-13-2010 at 05:06 PM.
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Old 06-13-2010, 05:30 PM
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Awesome new fishies Laurie! That trigger is beautiful! Love the tale of the blue damsel .
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Old 06-13-2010, 03:47 PM
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For my FOWLR tank 2 weeks ago my friend shut his tank down and didn't want his niger trigger any more, so I took him. He got a bit nipped up but he seems to be settled in now.

Reefwars on here was wanting to trade his maroon clown for some corals so I worked it out with him and now I finally have my maroon clown. I wanted a maroon 4 years ago when we 1st started out in the hobby but Steve always bought other clownfish before I could get one. She's getting picked on a bit but I hope things will settle down with time. She's eating good and seems ok, debating on getting an anemone for her but the lights aren't the greatest in that tank and I don't know if she'd even host in one if I did.

Yesterday I brought home my blue line trigger. I seen pic.'s of one in the Marine fishes book but until recently I never saw one for sale. Then a guy in Calgary was selling one and I really wanted it but I wasn't going to Calgary anytime soon, so I posted that I wished he was closer. Another member (who works at Ocean City) saw my post and offered to bring it with him since he was coming to Edmonton in a few days. I was amazed that someone I never met before would be willing to do that for me So I worked it all out with them, the owner of the blue line brought him to OceanCity and Seamazter paid for it and brought it to Blue world for me, which I then paid him back for it. However the blue line was only an inch big, perfect bite size for my grouper so that wasn't going to work. Ken offered to take it home with him and keep him until he got big enough for my tank. That was awhile ago and I guess Ken got attached to the little guy, because he had ordered in the perfect sized blue line trigger and we ended up working out a trade.

I guess they don't call me fishoholic for nothing
One more fish should be ok?, right!!! - Laurie
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