Edmonton Tap Water
I have been keeping my little reef tanks with RO/DI for a couple of years now but am now looking at setting up a 55g FOWLR tank. Is Edmonton water good enough for this? I plan on using a canister filter and perhaps a phosban reactor with Chemipure Elite if people think it is required. I was think of getting a snowflake eel and a Fu Manchu Lionfish for the tank. Any advice?
Thx |
i have used tap water for years and i have never had any issues. i use prime... but i do notice that we have a higher PH
I have been using Edmonton tap water dechlorinated with Prime for the last 3.5 years, first 3 years mostly just fowler with snails and hermits. Started doing some corals recently everything is doing good and I am still just using tap water.
I used to use Edmonton tap water with prime. Tap water reads about 163ppm in Morinville. Water comes from Edmonton.
Thanks for the replys. The tank will be in my daughters room on the second floor and my RO/DI unit and holding tank is in the basement. I wasn't looking forward to dragging water two stories with a touchy knee if I didn't have to. This is why I have a nano reef, only small buckets of water for weekly water changes. Does anyone think a phosban reactor is required? I'm mostly concerned about algae issues. Thx.