octopus xtreme 160 vs SWC cone 160
I'm looking for a new affordable skimmer. I'm running a 66g SPS reef. I'm hesitating between those two; the octopus extreme 160 and the SWC extreme 160 cone.
I will be upgrading to a 180g sooner or later. So I'm going for a skimmer I'll just be able to buy another one of the same and skim my tank. So the main question is: will 2 of either of those be able to skim a 180g medium stocked SPS tank. Also, are those comparable? The octopus looks very well built, but the pump of the SWC sounds better. Any input will help |
Very both very similar but I like the build of the SWC line better. I have compared the two and it just looks a little beefier in build and more polished in quality.
But I would go with the SWC extreme Mini S cone, little bigger and overkill for tank now, but will handle the larger tank in the future (As long as it will fit in your sump.) http://saltwaterconnection.com/index...products_id=77 They also have a 250S but that may be even more over kill, and getting pretty large. I have the SWC 160 Cone and it's an incredible skimmer as well, and will do a great job on your tank as well. I don't know about running two skimmers on a tank vs one, but whatever you decide you will be happy with the SWC line.
75G, 100 lbs LR, Inwatter Stingray LED's, 25 Gallon Sump, 24wt UV, hermits, Snails, pep, fire & cleaner shrimps, Blue Throat Trigger, Perc Clowns , Yellow Tang, Coral Beauty, Blue Regal tang, RBTA, Coral Banded Shrimp, Checkerboard Wrasse, Many Corals, Royal Tux Urchin |
thanks for the detailed reply